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View Full Version : Advice please!

06-03-12, 12:10
I've been doing well lately. But for some reason or another I have become focused yet again on my fear of cancer.
My main fear atm is breast cancer, as you will see from previous posts. I've been feeling bad since the end of last week, focused on my breathing this time. It's like I have a weight on my chest and can't breathe so well. It's like shallow and I feel I'm not getting enough air. Coupled with twinges down both legs Im terrified that it's spread. Even writing this makes me feel silly. But my fear is real. Does anyone else get these feelings with the breathing???

06-03-12, 14:18
Air hunger with feelings of chest pressure is a classic anxiety symptom see left hand meno under symptoms.

I sympathise with you as my mother died of breast cancer so you can imagine how that has affected me - I remember 10 years ago worrying that the pain in my arm was from secondary undiagnosed breast cancer it was from a strained tendon of course!

How old are you??? Are you old enough for a mammogram??
If under 47 yrs old then mammo is not much use anyway but you can have ultrasound so how about discussing your fears with your GP and seeing if you could visit the breast clinic to be reassured ( not because you need to!)

06-03-12, 15:12
Hi country girl

Thanks for your reply. I'm 33, therefore not under the breast screening schedule. I've had mammogram before. When I had a lump in my left breast. I also had an ultrasound and biopsy. The fact I've had a mammogram only fuels my fear due to the radiation :/
Thanks for pointing me towards the physical symptoms info. It has helped

06-03-12, 16:15
Your mind playing tricks on ya, be positive, when you get that thought tell yourself
if i ever get cancer i will deal with it then, but now i am fine. Be positive. :)