View Full Version : what did i do last night !?

06-03-12, 13:16
I have drunk before had 1 or 2 now again but never to the point were i was "drunk".
Well that changed last night I had money and I thought it would help me talk to my friend about anxiety issues... I woke this morning to see 3 bottles of vodka and 4 cans of cider empty and he assures me it was only us that drank all of it...
All i remember is I got to the point last night were i broke down completly and rambled on and on crying about this and that and how I have cancer at the moment in my mouth etc... and my looks i cant stand my self I HATE my self beyond beleif. I don't even look human I feel so ugly all the time.
Anyway I felt awful all morning I feel tired now thats all
But all i remember is crying and being put to bed but i actually enjoyed the feeling of being able to talk whilst i was drunk about everything and I liked the feeling to. I'm now scared I will become an addict. If I could I would go by more now (and thats not a good idea)
It helped me last night but it won't in the long term.
I also forgot to take my dose of citolpram last night and I know i shouldnt even be drinking on meds.

---------- Post added at 13:16 ---------- Previous post was at 13:12 ----------

also about 3am i was up for an hour downing water to drink, my legs ached beyond beleife and i had hiccups with vomit for an hour.
Ive drunk a litre of water today but havnt been to the loo yet either/

victor jara
06-03-12, 13:22
Hi Emma,

I have found drinking not to be a good idea when I am feeling anxious. Alcohol tends to heighten whatever you are already feeling so if you are depressed/anxious etc it will eventually make it worse although you may get some imediate relief.

06-03-12, 13:39
My anxiety, and the symptoms that go along with it are worse during the winter months. Because of this, I don't drink alcohol at all during the winter. Like victor jara said, alcohol enhances whatever mood you have at the time of drinking. For me in the winter, this really messes me up, and the thought of drinking just turns me off.

I guess that's the only good side affect of my anxiety, it keeps me from drinking alcohol, which isn't necessarily good for you anyway.

06-03-12, 14:57
Oops - some TLC for you today then, a hot bath and a good meal will help. Get a banana and some toast with butter, as well as a good glass of fruit juice. See and chill out for the day - and for any heady issues, take some alkaseltzer or ordinary paracetomal.

You won't become an addict if you don't let yourself do this again - getting drunk's fun sometimes but not to the extent you wake up unaware of what happened :P!

06-03-12, 15:06
Alcohol IS a Depressant...If You are already low, it will exacerbate your symptoms. After the initial 'high' you will become lower & lower each time you embark on a drinking session.
Thankfully, alcohol isn't an issue for me personally but I have seen its effects on people who have become even more depressed...it's a deeper hole to haul yourself out of! PLEASE DON'T start the cycle... it's a form of self-abuse/self-harm...ASK for help with your depression & anxiety from GP, Self help groups etc!

Also, if you suffer from health anxiety anyway, don't increase your chances of actually getting the diseases you worry about. You mentioned mouth cancer - alcohol in excess over time can increase your chances of this condition.

Keep Your Integrity & Self Worth...You are a valuable & worthwhile person.

06-03-12, 15:26
Just a warning - you really should not drink when on meds or if you do,be very aware of how much you have. My sisters are on a few meds for anxiety and after one or two drinks they are much more drunk than they normally would be!

Also don't beat yourself up over it, being drunk can be fun! Just be safe about it and don't get too carried away. It does make my bad moods much worse so I try to only drink when I am happy and relaxed!

06-03-12, 15:35
I don't know how old you are but I'm guessing you're fairly young? Don't want to go into patronising older person mode but I do understand how you feel because I used to say those things about myself too (and sometimes I still do). You've got a lot of issues there but you need to start valuing yourself more because I'm sure you are worth valuing and I hope you are valued by others too.

As for the drinking, look at it as a blip and learn from it. Respect your limits, learn to know when you're exceeding them. Take it from me, alcohol helps nothing in the long run. But don't dwell on it too much.

Hope the hangover's passed. They are evil things...

06-03-12, 16:22
Please be careful, drinking that much can actually kill you. Happened to one of my brother's friends, he was 18, not actually drinking more than so many others. :weep:

06-03-12, 18:00
yer katie thats why im worried lol
feel fine now...
found out what its like- never again lol
took some parecetmol and rested today at friends home now and anxious ive killed my self x
on top of mouth have sore thing when touched with tougne on lefy hand side of mouth and gums started bleeding...when the soreness came.
i look after my teeth well so not decay

---------- Post added at 17:03 ---------- Previous post was at 17:00 ----------

also have rash in crease were elbow is red n dots could be dry skin though

---------- Post added at 17:05 ---------- Previous post was at 17:03 ----------

also ate so much chocolate last night- tons and tons of it and fatty cream and ice cream. earlier on (early night)

---------- Post added at 17:06 ---------- Previous post was at 17:05 ----------

robin im 18 x

---------- Post added at 18:00 ---------- Previous post was at 17:06 ----------

also gum at bottom is killing me and is so so so sore.
i do brush A LOT twice a day.
but it hurt after last night now

06-03-12, 18:11
I think you've probably learned your own lesson!

Just try not to forget how "awful" you felt.

It's easy to say "Never Again" until the next time.........:)

06-03-12, 18:43
oh defintly haha

the pain in lower gum at front is insane now :(
is it decay
brushing to hard
or brughing when drunk last night

07-03-12, 20:39
ok today that gum is hurting to the point i cried when brushing. only hurts on contact. :'(

08-03-12, 08:08
Drinking is not good If you have anxiety

You wanna stop this behavior plz

10-03-12, 15:45
yes i know i wont be doing it again..

gum is so sore i cant brush that area as it kills in pain when i do.
booking dentist app on Monday but very worried about it.
it kills.

---------- Post added at 15:17 ---------- Previous post was at 15:16 ----------

also for months nan has had lump on nose and it burns and one side of face is red. been to docs- dont know what it is.
refferal to see dermatlogist. she has also been diagonised with high cholsertal. despite being borderline underweight and has to start pills but she doesnt want to start taking them.
doc said if she dont she could have a heart attack :(

---------- Post added at 15:45 ---------- Previous post was at 15:17 ----------

also shes been so so tired lately

11-03-12, 08:15
looked at gum defo a cut can see it. what do i do until it heals cant brush it but scared of decay. :(

11-03-12, 14:30
also bro n dad keep having nose bleeds. bro on clozapine.
dad had funny bout with eyes months ago went blurry once. could be blood pressure. dad could have stroke etc. also clozapine could cause high blood pressure= heart attack etc.
so scared today :( Please.

---------- Post added at 14:30 ---------- Previous post was at 14:00 ----------

i really cant rationalse

clozapine side effect high blood pressure= heart attack
nose bleeds= high blood pressure.

11-03-12, 15:29
Have you tried swishing some salt water for your gum? Just brush very gently in the area it is in until it gets better.

11-03-12, 15:45
Emma, you have been saying about your gum hurting for quite a few months now, do you think a visit to the dentist is in order ? :winks:

11-03-12, 21:17
yep. bokking tommorow. have been in the last 2 months.
done salt water + non alcohol mouthwash tonight and brushed gently
dont know when my anxisty started being i will live but all my family is ill :(

12-03-12, 22:57
cut healed gone now
now other lower gums bleeding and pain when brushing! wth is this a curse...
it feels funny after brushing today. feels odd after brushing to., not decay i look after them to well....
all 3/4 back teeth. i do have a wisdom tooth coming that side though.
Left college today (long story)
so no free dental care no more either. should be starting work soon though.
left cause people making me want to kill my self and for my own mental health.
scared mum has cancer from smoking. scared for whole family.

12-03-12, 23:07
hi emma.... have been having a rubbish time myself lately, saw your post and just wanted to help!!!!

Firstly im glad you realise that alchol wont help. I know many people with anxiety and like myself we avoid it. Its great at the time isnt it to lose your inhibitions, but the next day is hell for me with panic and anxiety to the extreme.

From your posts it seems your mind is racing from one issue to another. Your so scared for you and your family regarding thier health, but please try and remember you are looking at symptoms and taking them to the extremes. for instances I has nose bleeds very regualarly (sometimes twice, three times a day) on and off for a year. sounds serious doesnt it...but actually it was just a little infection in my nose......

keep posting and keping talking. i hope you feel better soon :)

---------- Post added at 23:07 ---------- Previous post was at 23:06 ----------

p.s bleeding gums is a sign of over brushing or gingeritus.....(spelt wrong i think), a slight non serious gum infection. just get to the dentist asap to put your mind at rest, and surely if your not working dental care is free????

13-03-12, 03:28
Why don't you get free dental care now?

14-03-12, 17:24
saw dentist today- bloody wisdom tooth causing it all!
overcrowded no room for it come through but its trying.
got to use salt water and keep an eye on it