View Full Version : Tension Headache now replaced with pressure

06-03-12, 14:58
My ongoing tension headaches have this morning been replaced by a pressure behind my right eye and across my nose and cheeks. If its not one thing its another. Also, my scalp feels tender across my head. Are these anxiety related?

06-03-12, 15:54
I have this too! I always seem to have either tension, pain or pressure in my head never nothing!

06-03-12, 19:33
Hi, I've been a lurker here for ages but had to register just to reply to your post. I've seen all your recent ones and you could totally be me last year. Having hardly ever had a headache in my life, I suddenly started experiencing pain behind my right eye, not constantly but sometimes, and never in the left eye. This had me slightly worried but doctors weren't concerned and I had an eye test and this was fine. Then I started with sharp shooting pains in my temples which could get so bad that the side of my head became too tender to lie on. Again, doctors not concerned and said tension, they know I've always suffered anxiety. Painkillers never touched it although amitriptyline at a low dose took the edge off. Several miserable months down the line it finally subsided only to be replaced by a horrible pressure type headache that makes me feel my head will explode, maybe 2 or 3 times a week.

I finally pressured my doctor into a referral to a neurologist who agreed to scan me but said it was purely for reassurance as he was sure it was nothing. My scan result went missing and it took 3 months (can you believe it) to get the result, which was normal. And can you guess what, the headaches started to go soon after. And now when I do get one, I know it is just anxiety, I take 2 paracetamol and tell myself it will go, which it does.

If I could have believed my doctor in the first place I would have possibly saved months of misery, but I know how difficult this is. And I have to admit that I've moved on to other symptoms since the headaches so the HA is still winning in a way. One thing I will say is that the neurologist asked me to look back and tell me what had happened to me just before the headaches started. I told him I had just been through a very stressful event and he said there you go then, it's just that I had never linked the event to the headaches. Hope this helps.

06-03-12, 20:22
This does help. I have started with a headache about 5 days ago. I have had worries about my health in the past so thankfully i have kept a journal and was able to look up all of the other times when I had a headache and was convinced it was a brain tumour.
The biggest thing that is worrying me right now is not that the headache is that bad (I am able to function) but that it really hurts when I lie down at night. Of course this is a further symptom of a tumour. My husband asked me today what other symptoms I have of the bt. None. But still this headache really bothers me and that is all I can think of.
Even though I do not feel under a lot of stress, I did lose my job a month ago after 23 yrs with a company. I was disappointed with this of course but have not felt overly stressed as I have a good severence and have already had some interviews for a new jobs.
It is hard to believe that the headaches would be linked to this stressor but i guess it is possible as we never know how our bodies will react to things.

06-03-12, 23:47
I too have been struggling with tension headaches. I have had a bit of stress recently, so have given into the idea that they are stress related. My eyes are sore occassional pain in my right eye, blurred vision, aura (I think). Like you Never really suffered with headaches before so find is worrying, so the more I worry the longer they hang around. I get it!