View Full Version : Black Mold Freak-out

06-03-12, 22:25
Ok, I was watching a program and they mentioned in passing toxic black mold.... and it triggered a fear I had a year and a half ago and Im looking for some reassurance.

About a year and a half ago, there was aleak in my bedroom and about a week or two later, I pulled out my wardrobe only to find the wall covered in black mold. It really scared me as Id been sleeping in that room for weeks. My dad cleaned it all off for me but wouldnt wear a face mask. I did however. Not long after, we both came down with really bad chest infections. It may have been coincidental as it was a cold time of year. My sense of smell slightly changed too. I told my doc of this, and the mold but he didnt seem concerned and Im not entirely sure he was listening.

Since then, Ive had irrational worries about my chest and sinuses. Ive had really bad allergies and post nasal drip since I was 15, up intil last summer when I was prescribed antihistimines and nasal spray, and most of my probs have stopped. The last time my dust allergies played up, before i was prescribed antihistimines, i rubbed my nose so frantically I caused a nosebleed. Since then (a couple months back) ive had traces of blood on my tissue when i blow my nose. ligic says its weak blood vessels from very vigerously rubbing my nose... but my health anxiety is telling me its the mold.

I have been worrying a lot about my chest, neck and sinuses for the last month, just because of what I figure is a mixture of paranoia, acid reflux and neck muscle strain... but because I hit the trigger tonight watching TV, my Health Anxiety mind is starting to wonder if its after effects of the black mold a year an ahalf ago, slowly making my body sick. I dont know how likely this is as I refuse t google it as that will set off a massive panic attack....

I dont know what to do. Has anyone else been living near black mold and it not affected them? just so I can get it in perspective? is it only certain black molds that are dangerous?

Please dont say anything scary as Im quite panicked. If you can reassure me with your own harmless experiences, Id very much appreciate it.

06-03-12, 22:44
Hi there

Please don't worry about this. I work for a buildings preservation company and what you have described is condensation. It is sooooo common to get behind furniture due to the lack of ventilation.
I see these cases day in and day out and you really don't need to worry. Unfortunately it is a case of the media making it out to be worse than it is.


06-03-12, 22:53
Funny enough Ive not heard it mentioned in any media. I think the first I heard of it was years back before I even had health Anxiety. I only heard it tonight because I was watching Prison Break for the first time and its used fleetingly to aid the plot in about two sentences. Its reassuring to speak to someone who knows. The reason it concerned me so was because the mold began after a leak in my bathroom, and the leak was questionably waste water from some place or another as it didnt smell very fresh. I get black mold on the ceiling of my bathroom which only mildly concerns me, but it was th fact that it grew behind my wardrobe, where the only moisture was the leak, it cnoncerned me that the mold was bacterial. Tell me Im being stupid please. I need a verbal slapping.

macc noodle
07-03-12, 00:11
Hey, yes our fears do sometimes seem silly but does not make them any less real or scary.

Do not be so hard on yourself xfilme.

You will be fine - the fear will pass :-)