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07-03-12, 06:51
So if worrying about my mum and dad is not enough I now am beginning to feel yuk myself.My left side pelvic pain is back constantly as well as being accompanied by the ache down my left leg. Booked in for laporoscopy next week but with everything else going on an going to cancel as want to be there for my family. Also had another nose bleed this morning, had a couple a few weeks ago. Always in the morning, it's not a massive nose bleed but still why????

My dad has appointment with the hospital tomorrow will find out more about the ct results and may have to have a bronscopy :( so scared and my chest aches think my heart is actually breaking :(

No news on my mums ultrasound either :-/

07-03-12, 19:19
sorry things still haven't really improved... I do think the specialists are bein rather slow so things that are so important... has ur dad confirmed cancer? what about your mum.. they mustnt be too concerned... when I had a ct scan in Jan my results were normal but back the next day!! try and take care of your self too xxxx

07-03-12, 19:59
No results for my mum yet. My dads is pretty much certain it is cancer now waiting for the news of the spread and stage which I think he will get some details tomorrow and then he will have a bronscopy to get biopsies if the doctor thinks its worth doing.It's like a nightmare my family are so close and it feels like we are being pulled apart :'(

macc noodle
07-03-12, 21:09
Come on Kirsty - I know this is a really rubbish time for you and my heart goes out to you, really it does. :bighug1:

Why don't you get your laporoscopy done and get yourself sorted? One less thing to worry about I am sure. Are you having the lap done to get to the bottom of the pelvic pain?

If your mum had scan last week - then the docs should have the results by now - I have been told that my results will be with my doc on Monday after the scan on Friday of this week. So this could be good news hon.

With regard to your dad - if he is a smoker - it could just be that he has a very bad chest infection and that is what is showing the shadow on the lung. Kirsty I do not want to go into details but my dad has a long term chronic lung condition caused by too many years smoking and when he is suffering an exacerbation, the lungs do show shadows on xrays but they are not tumours. You can also cough blood with infection other than cancers.

Sending you lots of love and hugs and strength of spirit and mind to deal with the stressful days you are having.

Macc Noodle

07-03-12, 21:51
so sorry you are going through this awful time .
Are you the only child ? so much on your shoulders .
When you go with your dad .........ask if there is a specialist nurse attached to the department caring for him .
They are far more available by phone with queries and can speed stuff up ..........and get help and support for you if it is bad news .
The fact no one has been in touch re your mum sounds hopeful also . Ring your gp and see if he can speed results up

As for yourself ...........I can well understand that you cannot face investigations for yourself at the minute .but try and go love . please xx
Who is looking after you at the moment ? partner friends ?
snow :hugs:

07-03-12, 22:22
Hey Kirsty sorry to hear about all.

Sometimes things come on us like rain but we are strong enough to deal with those. You have the power to do so. It's really good idea to have a check about your concern, so at least you won't think about them anymore. Try to get help from the people around you as much as possible. Do not hesitate asking for help from the people those are close to you. Do not shoulder all by yourself.

I hope all results will be OK, or at least will be something treatable. Even though we are far away in real distance and cannot be near you, we are still close to you here in this place.
Please let us know about the news. Be calm and safe.

08-03-12, 06:29
Thank you for your reply and kind wordsI feel a wreck this morning so nervous about my dads appointment. They are certain it's lung cancer as it is a large mass they saw on the scan. Also my dads health has deteriorated he is like a different person to what he was 2 weeks ago. He looks tired and says he feels tired and gets breathless. He is still coughing too which keeps him up at nite. He also is walking diiferent like slightly hunched and I have convinced myself this means the cancer has spread. I still can't believe it's happening. My mum is scared for my dad and my dad is trying to be normal working, eating and joking but I can see it I can see the difference 2 weeks has made and I know it's going to be bad.
I live with my husband and daughter she is 3 but I am not great company at the moment prefer to be in a dark room on my own then talk. Though my daughter does make me smile.
I have counselling this morning so maybe that will relieve me of some of these haunting thoughts :(

macc noodle
08-03-12, 07:25

Your father is probably scared witless and this is making his physical demeanour different from normal - just think how dreadful you feel about this and then multiply it 100times over because it is his body that has the problem.

My grandfather died from lung cancer when I was 12 (I am 51 this month!) and he survived a long time from diagnosis and treatment then was nowhere near as sophisticated as it is nowadays. He lived a good and full life from diagnosis and to be honest was only in his bed about 2 months before he passed on and that was several years after his diagnosis.

One of my clients who is in his 90s has an aggresive cancer (not in his lungs) and the prognosis prior to treatment was poor - further down the line from the chemo (no surgery just chemo) and his tumours have shrunk by a massive 80% and now just oral chemo for a further 6 months - he is bouncy and full of beans and getting on with enjoying the same things he always used to do prior to diagnosis.

Kirsty - hang on in there - there is always hope even in the darkest days - thinking of you today.

Make sure you tell your therapist EVERYTHING about your parents and get it all out of your system ....................... much love Kirsty

Macc noodle


08-03-12, 08:04
Hope everything goes well for your parents and you.
I know what it's like to worry about everyone.
It's not easy.

08-03-12, 18:10
Thank youJust back from hospital and my dad has a large malignant tumour, the doctor is suprised my dads symptoms are not worse considering the tumour size. Biopsy was done today so now have to wait for results to find out the stage and type of lung cancer. Surely if the tumour is that big its only going to be more bad news, it's going to be late stage. He will probably have more tests to see the spread to. I just feel numb

08-03-12, 18:35
I remember feeling the same way when my mom was diagnosed. She went to the ER with extreme stomach pains and was expecting something like a kidney stone or who knows what. The ER doctor was so awful to her, he looked at her CT scan and said "Well, it looks like you have cancer in your colon, lung, and liver. It doesn't look good." Then he just left! We were appauled at the bedside manner. Luckily the oncologist she had was wonderful to make up for it. Her colon tumor was 8 inches and they were shocked, they said it must have been there at least 5 years growing. We had no clue!

** not to scare anybody but the cancer that she had was EXTREMELY rare. So please don't be frightened.

If it has not traveled to other organs, it is a great sign. I am sure you don't know that much yet, but did they see any spots anywhere else? Even if it has traveled, that is not a death sentence. I know of many people who had stage four and lived for years and years.

Look for small victories each day and just go one step at a time without trying to project too far out into the future. More good advice that we received was to make sure to get a second opinion as well. If a doctor is a good doctor, he will welcome you getting a second opinion.

macc noodle
08-03-12, 19:03


I am so so sorry for you and you must be devastated at this moment in time and I am sending you strength and love to help you through this terrible time.

You cannot try and second guess the prognosis now and have to trust your father into the care of the specialists who will do the best they can for him.

The fact that the malignancy is large does not necessarily mean worse news than lots of small tumours. In fact it may well be better news with regard to spread of disease.

I would be heartened by the fact that your dad has not displayed more symptoms as the consultant has implied he would have expected because it means one of two things (1) either your dad is made of very strong stuff and therefore will be a good fighter of this disease and/or (2) the chance of the disease having metastasised is maybe less.

Anyway babe, big hugs and take care


Macc Noodle


08-03-12, 19:11
Just wanted to send you huge :hugs: and say im thinking of you :hugs: xx

08-03-12, 19:58
Thank you for your kind words. It's a tough time and my dad is trying to face it with as much humour as he always has.

We thougt the ct scan he had last week was a full body one but I wasn't so we don't know where is spread yet, think the hospital will call and arrange further scans or wait till after the biopsy results.

08-03-12, 22:25
Oh no I ave just found this, I am so sorry for you and your family, thinking of you at this difficult time, but take one step at a time and don't google xxx

08-03-12, 23:25
awww Im so sorry for your news, what an awful time for you all. Sending huge hugs. xx

09-03-12, 19:07
sorry you havent had any better news kirsty sending love and best wishes to you all xx

09-03-12, 23:33
So sorry to hear such devastating news. much love to you and all your family.
Kate xxx