View Full Version : Well what can i say,the gremlin is BACK!!!

Two heads
25-06-06, 17:58
I have just come back from aweekend away with old friends and all i did was have a good cry driving home{two hr drive}.
I went away to have fun and all i got all night was waves of panick.It messed up my night and has made me feel so very low once again.
The attacks had gone entil around ten days ago,i was feeling ok!
Its almost like my citalopram has stopped working,Why?
Im on 15mg,i just dont understand it .I feel like im going to be like this for ever,i dont think i can cope with not feeling normal.Whats going on with my BRAIN?X

april tones
25-06-06, 18:21
Hi dont worry! i had the same recently, it will get better xx

fibrochat) http://apriltones.proboards54.com

Two heads
25-06-06, 18:49
Thanks april sweet for that link!
I just dont like being on meds anyway and if there not going to work theres really no point.Im going up to 20mg tomorrow to see how i get on.x

emma chant
25-06-06, 21:06
HI thinking of you.

e chant

polly daydream
26-06-06, 00:36
Hi Two heads, things will get better, let us know how you get on.

Best wishes,


Two heads
26-06-06, 18:53
Well i have upped my meds i hope i start to feel normal again!
Thanks april,polly,emma for your on going surportxxxxx

26-06-06, 21:50
Hi let us knwo how it is going. Thinking of you.

Take care

'This too will pass'

Two heads
27-06-06, 20:51
Well so far so good.Upped my meds to 20mg yest just feeling more breathless again at moment.Still worrying that im going to be like this for the rest of my life,god i really hope notxxx

polly daydream
27-06-06, 22:57
Hi Two heads, I feel just the same, I upped my meds today, so far so good. I had a slight panic attack whilst in the supermarket today but managed to controll it. I to like you do not want to be like it forever, like all of us on the forum would love to be free of it one day.

Good luck, hope you ok,

Best wishes,


Two heads
28-06-06, 09:51
Hi there polly!
Glad to known im not upping my meds alone.Its just so scarey taking meds isnt it?
I just dont want that horrible gremlin in my head anymore, so i have no choice really but to take meds.The waiting list for cbt is just so long with the nhs.Hope you are ok today.
Well done for coping with your panick yestaday!xx

28-06-06, 10:56
Hi Two heads, hope you start to feel better soon:D

Take care



polly daydream
28-06-06, 18:25
Hi Two heads, Thank you for your kind words, I hope you are ok today, how is it on 20mg?

Best wishes,


Two heads
28-06-06, 18:52
Your welcome polly anytime!
20mg going ok so far,so lets hope and pray it kicks inxxx

marie ross
28-06-06, 23:51

Hope your feeling a lot better soon. I've had enough of the gremlin as well, and have decided enough is enough and am going to the docs to discuss me going on meds.

Never thought i would have to do it, am scared of the side effects, but its got to be a lot better than the life we lead at the moment (i don't think i have one!!!)

Let us know how you are getting on.

Take care.

Marie XXX

Two heads
29-06-06, 09:49
Thanks marie !
I do hope it works out for you at the docs.Just tell her what you want hun.You will be fine on meds just dont read the leaflet that comes with them all you will think you have every side affect on there ,lol.Let me no how you get on all soxxxxxxxx