View Full Version : Rattling in chest & antibiotics prescribed by gp should i worry?

07-03-12, 08:47
My gp said yesterday he could hear a rattle in my chest that he 'didn't expect to be there' it was that sentence that worried me really.
Does anyone think i should worry?

---------- Post added at 08:47 ---------- Previous post was at 08:45 ----------

I've been prescribed amoxillian for it BTW

07-03-12, 09:38
No I wouldn't worry, he probably meant because you've got the flu and most of the time the chest is still clear with flu but it occasionally develops into a chest infection, and he probably wasn't expecting to hear it. Just take the antibiotics, they will help alot with your breathing.

Btw, doctors do say the most flippant things without realising how they affect someone who's anxious - I once had a doctor LAUGH in my face when I told him I thought I had carpal tunnel syndrome - he just couldn't contain himself!
(I did have it after all).

07-03-12, 10:01
EVeryone with a chest infection has a rattle when Drs listen to the lungs it just means there is fluid in the lungs and thats usually due to infection. If you are young and healthy then he probably would not expect you to have a chest infection which is why he would have said it but if you have recently had a cold or virus then its very very common so not to worry just take the tablets.

07-03-12, 12:20
EVeryone with a chest infection has a rattle when Drs listen to the lungs it just means there is fluid in the lungs and thats usually due to infection. If you are young and healthy then he probably would not expect you to have a chest infection which is why he would have said it but if you have recently had a cold or virus then its very very common so not to worry just take the tablets.

It was the way he said it and the words he used that worried me.

Almost as if it was something bad.
I've started the antibiotics but I still feel "fluey" - sensitive skin, achy and shivering but not AS bad as before. My cough is still very bad though.
Does anyone know if you can take ibprofen (sp?) and amoxillian together?

07-03-12, 16:56
Yes you can take anti inflammatory and antibiotics together but obivously I am not a pharmacist so if you want to make sure just give your local chemist a phone and they will tell you for certain.

07-03-12, 19:10
I don't think your GP thinks it's anything bad. If he was at all concerned he would have sent you for a chest x-ray. Hopefully your antibiotics will kick in shortly. Crystal17 is right about GPs making comments without first engaging their brains.

07-03-12, 22:14

I had the exact same symptoms very recently and after taking the antibiotics, vitamins and lots of water and rest my chest is fine!!!

GP's are just lacking in a bed side manner and social skills

Get well soon

DD xx