View Full Version : Feel so rubbish all the time

07-03-12, 09:38
I really dunno whats up with me. Lately I've felt so tired, headaches and generally lethargic. I've never felt like it before but dunno if it's anxiety related or not.

paula lynne
07-03-12, 11:33
Have you been diagnosed with anxiety? If so, feeling like this at times is par for the course........are you eating well? Getting lots of vits and minerals is important. Maybe you should go and see your GP for an MOT?
Hope you feel better soon x

07-03-12, 17:42
It might be mood/anxiety related. As Paula suggests why not see your GP to have a talk about it. How are you feeling in yourself? If you feel low or stressed it might be that. If you think you feel OK, then maybe look for other causes - What's your diet like? Do you do enough exercise? Getting enough sleep? Drinking enough water? Are you on any medication - etc - quite a long list of possible causes. And it's winter too, are you getting out enough in the daytime - lack of light can make people feel low and tired this time of year, I have a SAD light for the worst days :)

08-03-12, 18:37
Tell me bout it I get this all the and its hard to know if its due to anxiety/depression or something else. I went to the doctor ages ago and they tested for thyroid and anemia, when they found nothing they just told me to exersice more and that would give me more energy. Might be worth getting a blood test done just in case, it would at least narrow down what might be causing it.