View Full Version : Head pain.

07-03-12, 11:57
I've had a headache for 3 days now and i'm really starting to panic!!

It feels like pressure on the top of my head, then seems to go off in all different directions.
I've to ring the doc this afternoon for an appt, but was hoping someone could calm me down in the time being??
I'm afraid my stupid mind is telling me its something sinister!!

I'm scared.

07-03-12, 12:09
I know the feeling, i had headaches for day's particularly tension head aches since coming on here i learnt that headaches are very common with anxiety because you are so tense all your muscles tense up leading to tension headaches and neckache and shoulder ache etc etc.
Its easier to say its anxiety than to believe it tho, took me a while! and my headaches are a less common symptom of my HA than before, altho i do still get them i dont have them as much.

07-03-12, 12:12
Hi thanks for replying!!

How do you cope when you get them? How long do they last?

07-03-12, 12:45
Drink plenty of water and try to relax is all i can say heache tablets never worked for me .. Mine would last 3/4 days at the most but i also get a sore scalp! So even if the headache had gone id still have a sore head :/