View Full Version : Dentist... i did it !!!

angel wings
07-03-12, 12:30
so i had a dentist appointment this morning to have a filling done :ohmy: and was very anxious about it as i have been worried about leaving the house on my own let alone going to the dentist aswell...double whammy...but after going to the toliet many times and having the phone in my hand ready to cancel i thought no thats it im going and i did...
got there ok and waiting room was busy...oh no another fear to deal with anyway i went in and managed to have it done..legs were like jelly walking out but then i thought, i need some bits in the shop and did that aswell doesn't seem much but quite an achievement for me just hoping i can hold out for parents evening tonight !!!! :wacko:

07-03-12, 12:38
well done
god bless

paula lynne
07-03-12, 12:45
Well done you! :D
I went a few weeks ago for the first time in SEVEN years *embarassed*
The build up was worse than the event hahaha. Now take that positive vibe with you to parents evening....keep up the good work! :yahoo:

07-03-12, 12:46
Well done Angel wings :)

You must feel a big sense of achievement. Amazing what we can do when we push ourselves!!

Good luck with the parents evening.I always feel very intimidated,especially if it is busy. Silly really as most of them are so young I could be their Mum !!!

Loreen x

07-03-12, 13:30
well done, thats great, now keep it up. Treat yourself and stay positive.

angel wings
07-03-12, 13:52
Thanks everyone for you kind comments trying to stay positive now....:)

07-03-12, 13:57
A massive well done to you!

I always find the waiting part the hardest, and it helps to remember that dentists have the ability to bring on nerves in the even the most rock steady people, its no fun going dentists but something we all have to do sometimes. Give yourself a well deserved pat on the back xxx

angel wings
07-03-12, 18:58
well managed the parents evening fine too hooray !!!!:)

07-03-12, 22:16
That's an amazing achievement, not just the dentist but also faced with a busy waiting room too, well done :yesyes:

07-03-12, 22:16
Well done Angel, such a huge achievement (or two lol) you should be so proud of yourself:yahoo:
Keep positive, love Kitti xx

angel wings
07-03-12, 22:49
thanks everyone :yesyes: xx hoping for a good day tommorrow too