View Full Version : Its happening again..scared of phone and door

paula lynne
07-03-12, 12:51
Oh dear. :shrug:I had a phone call from the benefits office today to "clarify" a few things. Its set my anxiety off again, the postman just came, and as soon as I heared him coming up the steps I froze and had a huge run of palps....the thought of the front door is freaking me out. Ive got an urge to lock the front door. I used to do this a lot :weep:

I keep looking at my phone, thinking its going to ring and its bad news.

I feel unwell with bad vertigo even though it isnt my usual time of ovulation.

Im worried that Im going to start those behaviours again of locking myself in/not answering the phone.....

Does anyone else have similar problems? Any advice gratefully recieved, thanks so much.

Paula x:wacko:

angel wings
07-03-12, 13:50
hi paula
yes i have this problem too sometimes i dont want to be left alone in the house and other times i dont want to see anyone have anyone phoning or answer the door i dont ever lock it though cause i would be afraid i wouldn't be able to get out if there was a fire...:doh: god why does your thoughts run wild wish they would just stop ...
feeling un well and having vertigo doesnt help either not sure that i can offer any advice but thought i would say your not alone and hope you feel better soon xxx

07-03-12, 14:17
I used to have the phone fear, if it rang i would be startled like someone had just let off a firework in the house, id avoid answering it a lot, on the occasions when i answered i would feel sick and very frightened , thoughts of '' what if i vomit while i am on the phone'' or ''what if i cant breath..i cant talk and not breath at the same time'' what if this and what if that.. plagued me.

I think i got over it when i got hooked on a new fear LOL.. oh dear in fact i think thats how i get over all my fears.

Sorry not much help x

07-03-12, 15:04
Dear lovely Paula you are having a bad day. It does not necessarily mean that you will start these behaviours again. I know it is easy to get 'spooked' by one bad phone call or by someone coming to the door. Most of the time it is normal people or others trying to sell us stuff (don't answer) You feel threatened at the moment but don't let the paranoia get to you. You have been doing so well recently is there someone nearby you could talk to? EJ

07-03-12, 15:08
Paula lynne,
Just wanted to send you hugs:hugs::hugs::hugs:

07-03-12, 15:29
Hello Paula :)

so feel for you on this one . Yes I too lock the world away when threatened . And these morons who phone unexpectedly and challenge your safety with questions and remind you of your vulnerability need a short and sharp dose of what anxiety feels like 24/7 for ages and ages . years .

Just know it is a very understandable blip Paula in an amazing road to recovery my love .

The people who are made to phone are just following orders and dont care ........so neither should we . You tell the truth as always and stuff em !!!!

Just empathise with you as you are doing all you can to recover and some faceless voice scares the hell out of you .

Let it go sweetheart if you can .......:hugs:

And dont hide the world away ........get those curtains open and open door wide to smell spring .

just awful flight and fright reaction today Paula .
rest lots to let the scare subside today .......then get back on your roller skates :bighug1:

snowy x

macc noodle
07-03-12, 18:59

Hey Paula

Way back when I used to be unable to answer the phone - in fact I know that when I have had my scan on Friday I will be back to ignoring the phone and the post just in case bad news comes............................................. ......

It is a real pain isn't it ? But I guess the trick is not to dwell on the fact that it is happening and try to work through it.

So, honey, just wanted to send you :bighug1::bighug1: and good vibrations.

Macc N


paula lynne
08-03-12, 13:10
Thanks everybody, youve all really helped me to refocus. I DID end up going out for a few hours, I guess its like fallling of your bike, you have to get back on as soon as you can........:D

My curtains are open, my door isnt locked, and although its a bit damp and windy for my roller skates, Im eyeing them up and maybe will give them an airing next week hahaha x:hugs:Thanks guys, you mean such a lot to me xxxxxx

09-03-12, 19:00
Hi Paula

I am phonophobic too - I realise I learned this from my mum when I was her rottweiler. I hate the damn things and think that anyone who wants me can email or text. I am trying to Pavlov myself into associating rings and knocks with winning the lottery. Or maybe something more realistic :-D

paula lynne
10-03-12, 08:23
That made me smile mashedbanana, thank you! :)

15-03-12, 11:01
I have massive financial anxieties which make me worry endlessly about bad news coming through the door or the bank phoning. I now avoid answering the phone because I'm scared to and I constantly have massive anxieties about bills and bank statements coming. I even say that the postmen wear red because they're really the devil..lol...:/

15-03-12, 11:39
Hi, I have one of those phones that gives the persons name on the front , (have to put the numbers in like most phones )could be a withheld number or International.
I Have to answer the withheld numbers as it could be docs or hosp calling. I ignore International no's or any relations i don't wish to speak to.
If anyone knocks on my door I look from behind the curtain to see who it is first.Then decide what to do.Don't get many callers anyway.
Not botherd about post, we are luck to get ours where we live

paula lynne
15-03-12, 11:44
Beelzebub = Postmen..............hahahah you may be right! :lisa: