View Full Version : drained of constant feeling though i'm dieing :)

07-03-12, 13:55
i'm currenty going thought a rough time with my axiety and health axitey i seem to be doing ok then few weeks ago had few twinges on my left side of chest thinking i was having heart attack but the doctors just said its axitey i asked for ecg but they refused as i only had one done in the last 2 years but i seemed to forget it then in my mind the " i'm having heart attck " feeling comes over me AGAIN :( constanly nervous and worrying , i get scared of going bed at night as i get twinges mainly in the night , i costanly have a vison in my head that i will have huge heart attack in bed and die " i no why because i close family friend her hubby died in bed at night back in 2002 + my nan pasted away in 2003 at home alone during the night " so i no this playing on my mind , " i'm sweating like mad writing this a fill with tention and worry , been getting night sweats and day sweats alot as well :( , i also find that when i'm talking to people i tend to sweat alot , is that normal :( , i've just become scared again :( , i'm waiting CBT for health axiety but its ages to wait , i just really worryed that i gunna die , worryed i'm losing the plot , worryed that i NEVER be free from this illness , i just wanna get over it , i have been trying to work on the practice of turning panic into excitment !!! but that simply cant work " if anyone has then please tell me how " i also can honestly say i dont no what excitment feels like anymore or extreme happyness or joy :( so i dont no if the feeling i get sometimes is excitment or nervous :( ,,, i've started meeting a guy a few times but i havent told him i'm nervous person but its early days yet , i'm 33 and to be open , frank and honest i cant see me getting to 40 at this rate :(((((( ,,, if it gunna happen just happen but it like a life sentence this illness ,,, any advice i would be greatfull PLEASE :weep::weep:

07-03-12, 14:12
Its funny you mention excitement, nerves and excitement are actually the same thing.

Only one is positive and one negative.

Nervous- funny tummy, needing the loo- heart beating fast- sweats- shakes- cant seem to sit still and so on..

Excited- Butterflies ( funny tum) - Needing the loo- heart flutters ( beating fast) -sweats, shakes- cant sit still..usually in a Ohh i cant wait way.

Power of thought hey? :hugs:

07-03-12, 14:15
thanks :) i agree there just need program me brain " dam wish are heads had a dam usb wire hehe :)))

07-03-12, 14:24
Oooh well if you ever invent one of those for people like us then id like to volunteer as a guinea pig for trails hehe x

---------- Post added at 14:24 ---------- Previous post was at 14:19 ----------

Just wanted to add that sweating is very common with anxiety, i have been stood in a supermarket in the middle of January, everyone else is wrapped up in hats and scarfs, teeth chattering and i am stripping off down to my tee shirt lol, dripping in sweat, wiping sweat off my face cause i am embaressed that the check out girl might notice...same thing if i bump into a neighbour in the street for a chat.. we notice every little body change when we are hyper sensitive to ourselves, then worry about the feeling and make molehills into mountains. x

07-03-12, 14:37
yeah thanks thats so true and yup if i invent 1 i sign u up hehe x

07-03-12, 14:56
i know how you feel i think il stop breathing and die then get all anxious its stupid coz i know im not its all about how you think if you tell yourself horrible negative thoughts like that its not doing your anxiety any good ive just tell myself im fine im healthy nothings goin to happen its just anxiety until the feeling passes its so horrible isnt it just try to replace your thoughts with positive ones if you can im retraining my mind that way x

07-03-12, 22:13
thanks rach29 i do my best i really goto fight this dam sillyness :( xxx