View Full Version : pains in leg again

25-06-06, 19:50
Hi every1

you are probably getting so sick of me moaning, but i need to get some assurance, on may 22nd i lost as close friend very suddenly to a heart attack, since then i haven't been right but about 2 weeks ago i started to get a pain in my arm, then the next day my leg then arm again and so on and so on, anyway coz i was feeling low it really has got to me, i cant stop thinking its something really bad, at first i imagined a clot travelling round my body etc, anyway on friday my leg was really hurting and yesterday it was fine, ok i had no pains at all, i had a drink with neighbours and i actually felt normal until i came in and got this pain in my leg again, then again today, its like sciatica, i had this when i was pregnant so i kinda know how it feels, its starting in my bum going all the way down to my foot, i just did something silly i googled sciatica, it says possible causes, slipped disc, blood clot and tumor, now im going mad thinking the absoulote worst, im trying to convince myself its nothing bad as it comes and goes,
do u think being tense can cause this?? im so scared

thanks for getting this far
Leanne xx

25-06-06, 20:28
hi leanne i think your symptoms are related to anxiety.i,m sorry that you have recently lost a dear friend.did you have these symptoms before this happened?if not it is your anxiety telling you something is up,when really there is nothing to worry about.if it continues i would go to your doctor and tell him how you feel as you might be able to get some cbt therapy.i think the tensness in your body is causing this pain.take care hope you feel better soon rachel x x x