View Full Version : and so it starts again. . empathize anyone ?

07-03-12, 17:42
Hi all,
Have been on citalopram for over 6 months now and generally speaking feel miles better than I did ( when I couldnt eat as my throat was so tight )
When Im on a good day its great-not a care in the world and Ill occassionally come on here to empathize with someone else, however for the last week I ve been feeling low again-why ? Idont know.
Today I got out of bed and thought I couldnt breathe properly which of course I can as Im alive and typing this !
Im going for mega toilet trips and generally feel like if I won the lottery I wouldnt care.
I know citalopram is not an all out cure and I need to find other ways of dealing with my anxiety which is why Im offloading on here as I know there are others who go through the same.
On the face of it I should be happy as I have no major life issues to deal with-but maybe thats it my life can be mundane.

Anyway enough bleating-hope everyone else good today.:shrug:

08-03-12, 10:23
Im good today, thanks for asking. I am also on the same meds, I exercise also, I did come off my meds and stopped my exercising as I though I was "Cured" but relapsed after 2 weeks. I think the exercise is as important for me as the meds, also having lots of stuff to do. I also listen to music rather than sitting in the house over analysing my thoughts. I hope something I have said can be some comfort and help to you, but you are not alone as I am sure you are aware. Try going for a run for just 10-15 minutes 4/5 times a week and then doing a proper workout the other 2/3, works wonders for me, the meds on their own was not enough and I am no good at relaxation/meditation.

Would be interested to hear from you later should you give this a try.

All the best :)

little wren
08-03-12, 11:10
hi hyg, I hope you feel better soon. I am on fluoxetine not citalopram which was effective but the last 4 weeks I too have been feeling low. I even thought the meds had stopped working properly so Ive booked psychiatrist to reassess them. I agree with Recsense about exercise, it really helps me too. It helps ease the anxiety by using up the excess adrenaline and also makes me feel a bit better when I feel down. I find having something to look forward to is also important. Even if it is just a visit from a friend or ordering a good book or watching a good film (anything to break up the day). I don't know what kind of structure you have to your day (work? kids? study? etc) but I know with me I NEED a goal to work towards otherwise I get worse. x

08-03-12, 20:35
thanks much for your replies.
You both hit the nail on the head about the exercise link.
I relocated to a new area with my hubby 6 months ago and havent been able to join a new gym yet ( I was going 3 times aweek )
I should have time to do a run when my kids are at school but I think Ive got apathetic.
Your right I need to get moving to burn away excess anxiety- I will start doing something !!
I think I thought the drugs were the total cure-but obviously their not.
Thanks again x

09-03-12, 12:43
Sorry to hear about you going through a rough spot, unfortunatly even on tablets your still going to have your down days and like you say they are not a cure , they just mask the problems and you have to try an get out of it yourself and heal your mind. Like the others have said , exercise is fantastic for helping you and I've also found this site http://www.getselfhelp.co.uk/ which is free CBT and I've found it really useful with my battle with panic/ anxiety and depression. xxx