View Full Version : Diazepam?

07-03-12, 18:42
Hi everyone, some of you may know my HA has been sky high for the last few months (still is) but some good news... I'm going on holiday next week! I can't wait to get there but my issue is the flying. I've flown dozens and dozens of times, I actually used to quite enjoy it but now my fear is that I'll take a huge panic attack on board and try to open the door or something! I saw my GP a few weeks ago who prescribed me 2mg of diazepam, she said I could take 4mg if I needed to. My thing is, I'm scared of not being in control, I don't drink or anything so can anyone tell me what it feels like to take diazepam? Will I be dizzy and fuzzy or out of it?

07-03-12, 18:46
Best to try it out at home first, then you'll know how it affects YOU as the effects can vary from person to person. :)

07-03-12, 18:52
2mg a very small dose , a gentle kinda of relaxed feeling you should get , at very worse slightly sleepy from my own experience its quite a gentle kind of effect , not a wham what was that , it generally takes effect after about 30 mins and lasts 5 -6 hours

dont mix with alcohol

07-03-12, 18:55
Yeah, I was thinking about trying it at home first, problem is I'm not at home now until the night before I leave! Hehe. I'm usually ok when I'm in the air, it's when they shut the doors, I start getting all claustrophobic. But it's that feeling of not being in control that I hate.

07-03-12, 19:02
I like to describe it as you know that way after a hard days work and you step into a nice warm bath and say ahhhhhhh , its kind of that kind of feeling , its not a knock over the head and you passing out , once youve had one you will want one all the time LOL thats why they are so addictive and GPs dont like prescribing them in case get abused , for one off for a flight Im sure you will be fine and hope you enjoy your holiday

07-03-12, 19:11
The first time i had one i was worried , exspecting to feel pissed or something ..lol... but it really is just as bignik has discribed .

Absolutely nothing to worry about . I would take it 30 minutes before you board .

07-03-12, 19:45
Yeah, I was thinking about trying it at home first, problem is I'm not at home now until the night before I leave! Hehe. I'm usually ok when I'm in the air, it's when they shut the doors, I start getting all claustrophobic. But it's that feeling of not being in control that I hate.

Well, it's never made me feel out of control, quite the opposite effect actually, it calms me down so that I get a degree of control back.

Haz. :)

07-03-12, 20:00
Excellent, thanks everyone. I just worry that it'd make me lightheaded/unsteady which would be odd since that's what anxiety makes me feel like too! Everytime I sit in a departure lounge I say to myself "I'm never putting myself through this again!!" This will be my first time with diazepam since I've been so anxious anyway, I'm not 100% sure I'll take them but at least I know they're there. Normally about a week before I fly I can barely eat or sleep!

07-03-12, 20:29
Hi, I've never been a fan of flying even though I still go on planes, I get to te airport and it takes all my will not to walk back out. I tried diazepam the last time I flew which was before I had my 3 year old.I remember taking it and thinking this is ok and I was totally fine

My problem this time round is I've just booked a holiday or September and already freakibg about the flight especially as this time I will have a 3 year old so am a bit worried about diazepam for that reason.

Hope you have a lovely holiday and just remember the flight is just a short time before you get to relax in the sun