View Full Version : Stomach Help

07-03-12, 19:03
Hi all,

I went to the doctors the other week he said i have mild IBS.. not bad.

I get stomach cramps about once a month if that or once every 3 months.. but i am convinced it is more down to anxiety. Food does not bother me really. When i am nervous i get worried and my palms get sweaty and i focus on my bowels and i get stomach cramps. When i go to the loo it goes.. and the pain doesnt last. Normally with IBS people the pain is really bad and last for hours. Mine doesn't

Is there any techniques or advice on calming yourself down.. dont want any meds as i am young.. Just need tp stop focusing on it.. the cramps is the killer. I dont get bloated or indigestion i get a bit trapped wind rare and the farts lol. But i want it too go or at least manage it.. what is the best way. techniques etc.

Many thanks guys
Keep Smiling :)

macc noodle
07-03-12, 21:16
Triggers - what foods get you going? Do you know? I suggest a food diary to see if there is any particular food that starts it off for you.

Triggers: any particular situations that set you off ?

I have been having a tough time with IBS recently due to stress and anx - if I am feeling stressy when I eat, it does not matter what I eat, it will set the IBS off and I am then usually running to the loo every 5 mins!!!

I would not think that you needed meds if it is a rare bout - just need to reduce the cramping to make it more bearable if I am reading your post correctly.

Hot water bottle any good ??? always helps me :)

07-03-12, 22:31

Sorry i mean food does not trigger it off i have sometimes i get cramps, but i can get the same food again and i dont get anything. I think its all in my mind.. When i get nervous i panic get a stomach cramp.. etc goes when go toilet and i am fine rest of the day and week and month sometimes.. I think panic of not finding a toilet with a mixture of anxiety of stomach cramps... i havent had it with food tho maybe one meal but i can get the same again and its fine very strange.. mine must be mild :)

I dont visit th eloo a lot when i calm down it goes sometimes it doesn't and i have to go..
wonder if there is any relaxation techniques.. i hate it its annoying now..

how do you manage?