View Full Version : here i go again

07-03-12, 19:12
went to see the gp at the beginning of february with diarrhea and he said it was probably a touch of food poisoning and he expected it to correct itself in a few days, if not to go back for tests.
things largely got back to normal as he said and apart from being a little loose occasionally i have been ok until 2 days ago when things turned to constipation and yesterday i passed a large hard stool which was accompanied by bright red blood.
i returned to the gp this morning and he has arranged for blood tests so now im freaking out at what these will reveal.
can anybody offer advice to calm me down,

07-03-12, 19:21
I had that once loads of bright red blood when I had a poo I was about 24 at the time and I called the doctor out as it was in the middle of the night.

It was pils not had it since.

Cathy xx

macc noodle
07-03-12, 21:19
I think that you have done the right thing in seeing your GP and that they are doing blood tests is a good starting place.

Chances are they will end up saying IBS !!! And the consitpation and blood - more than likely a fissure or pile - neither of which are life threatening just uncomfortable.

I would not worry too much though - if you look around this site there are a lot of us with bowel issues :D

Macc Noodle

07-03-12, 21:59
i also have a swelling on my inner upper lip like a blister giving me concern, its just one thing followed by another at the moment and im stressed yet again.

07-03-12, 22:02
If you're stressed and getting one thing after another then yes it could be stress that is the root cause. I totally agree with the posts above, seeing your GP is a good move (well done, it's brave seeing a doctor about problems down below!) but many causes of blood like that as people said are piles. Your lip could be a cold sore or ulcer - again not life threatening.