View Full Version : New Emetophobic Member!

07-03-12, 20:41
My name is Claire , I'm 19 and I have been emetaphobic for as long as I can remember, and it really has taken over my life. I have also had an ongoing issue with self harming and when I was 15 I tried to commit suicide, until about a year ago I had no thoughts about suicide but they have come back.
I finally took the plunge and went to see my GP (who is a lovely and understanding doctor, which is a change) who has referred me to an organisation called 'Talking Change's which deals with all aspects of anxiety, phobias and depression, where hopefully I will receive CBT.

I found this site today as I was looking for the side effects of Fluoxetine, because I went back to the doctor today and she said it might be a good idea to try medication :(

I'm still getting to know the site, but some kind words and advice would be nice from anyone else who suffers from the above mentioned :hugs:

07-03-12, 20:43
Hi clairej777

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

07-03-12, 21:33
Hi Claire and a big, warm :welcome:

I know you'll find lots of people here who share your experiences and that you'll also be able to give a lot to others.

Take care and keep posting

Pip xx

07-03-12, 22:34
welcome claire :) this site is amazing you'll find loads of help here x

08-03-12, 00:38
hi claire and welcome to the forum :)

i've had emetophobia in the past and it stopped me from doing a lot of things too, so i feel for you. it's not so bad for me now though so i think it is possible to overcome.
i think it's great that you went to your doctor about your thoughts aswell, and that you're on the path to getting help. i've also been having CBT and been on fluoxetine since early last year and they do help, but i've had experience with side effects so if you ever want to talk about that feel free to have a chat sometime :)

take care! xxx

09-03-12, 12:22
Thanks for the kind replies everyone :), much appreciated!
