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View Full Version : Sore Eye

07-03-12, 22:23
Does anyone else get this?? I get in intermittantly worse in right eye and slightly in left. The inner corner where the skin goes over the edge of the eyeball goes bright red and painful like someone stabbing with needles. It starts later in afternoon and drives me mad all evening but sleeping overnight cures it.

I have had it on and off for a least 15 years so I know its nothing drastic and did once ask a Dr but as during the day my eye looks fine he didn't know and cant show a Dr in the evening!

07-03-12, 22:30
Maybe an allergic problem?? Or just the eye getting sensitive for some reason??

I have a similar problem and whenever I go ask a dr, that thing is like never around and showing itself. So he ends up saying "Yeee, your eye seem to be a little sensitiveeee, errrr, but I don't see anythinggggg..."

Mine is like I am getting all teary in my right eye only in windy weather and cold, and inner corner of my eye gets reddish and hurts when I touch and blink my eye. The same area gets a pressure feeling also. But only in windy weather and after a while I get back home it gets back to normal.

It gives slight pain in my temple area also. I don't know if mine is same as yours. But yours sound like a sensitivity issue to me. Don't know, but it sure is nothing serious.
Feel well soon.