View Full Version : Please read, need reassurance - woke up suddenly in night and couldnt breathe

08-03-12, 08:22
As title says I woke up last night and couldnt breathe in middle of night. I think I kind of coughed, or burped, got a bid of acid reflux and then tried t breathe and it kind of went down wrong way, and I sat bolt upright and it was like had forgotten how to breathe for a few seconds, maybe 10seconds. I dont have sleep probs of any kind, im not overweight and have no other medical condition! The only thing was had been drinking last night (3-4 glasses of wine so tipsy but not drunk), am scared what this was, has it ever happened to anyone else. Is it serious? Was this panic or something more serious, am only 28!

I've been reading that people have woken up feeling like their choking due to acid reflux, I know Yahoo answers is hardly reliable though: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20110422224315AA7U2D1

08-03-12, 09:21
It sounds like anxiety to me. Happens to me a lot, especially after a few drinks, because of the adrenaline. I've been waking up with different kinds of panic for 15 years, and I'm not dead yet. :)

08-03-12, 15:14
Im really hoping it was just panic, have to say it was pretty scary, struggling for breath :-s

Alternatively, I think it could be the acid reflux thing, as I had an acidy, metallic taste in my mouth straight after and it felt like I was choking kind of the way when water goes down the wrong way. I've been doing some digging on google (oops) and there seem to be quite a few people who regularly wake up this way, basically choking on their own stomach acid when they are lying down. Really hoping this isnt the case with me as it would seem like a pretty serious case of acid reflux if this is what was happening :-(

08-03-12, 16:01

Don't worry, i have had this before, especially after a drink. Sorry to be graphic but it sounds like reflux and you probably burped up a bit of sick then it felt like you were chocking as you needed to swallow which in turn woke you up. I have had that and sometimes it really burns when you swallow as it is like acid. I really wouldn't worry about it. x

08-03-12, 16:02
Acid reflux can come and go, with different severity. I'd also chalk it up to the wine. Theres been nights I've had one mixed drink and woke up like that. Also it is possible to wake up feeling like you can't breathe because of a dream, or just anxiety. I've experienced it on many occasions. My boyfriend doesn't have anxiety, and sometimes when hes dreaming at night he seems to stop breathing for a minute, then wakes up, rolls over and goes back to sleep. He's not overweight, no health problems, and hes not snoring, just gets crazy dreams that he doesn't remember.

09-03-12, 00:36
Thank for repllies, really glad Im not only one, I seriously thought I had, had it when it happened last night! It did feel exactly like I was choking, really hoping it was a one off because of over indulgence, it was scary enough to make me teetotal!

Not looKing forward to going to bed tonight, and bed is usually my fav place :-(

18-03-12, 20:37
i had this when i starting get ha before i new it was ha, i kept waking up bolt right up gasping for air and really scared me i would cry till i slept and walk around house and check my kids if they was ok thought i was dying but when i told doc he said i was having a panic attack in mysleep and i was low so low it was relief to know i was mental lol but now i want it to go!