View Full Version : HELP please had a bad week with this urination feeling really down :(

08-03-12, 10:19
Hi everyone

Feeling depressed I wake up feeling ok and go to the toilet when i wake up at 8 o clock, then as soon as I have my first pee at 10 o clock I then need to go 20 mins after can't work out why anxiety would cause this, my first pee at 10 ish is also a yellowy colour and then the second one is like water hardly any colour but they are both the same amount if pee as I've been measuring the amount :( It's as if my body won't hold hot drinks

Can anyone relate to this please!

Jayne x

08-03-12, 10:25
yes i do have the same issue, because i notice the more i worry the more i notice it and the more it happens.... my wee is yellow then clear literally minutes after, i do try to drink 2 litres of water a day, plus tea. so i have alot to come out... i do wonder about the colour, changes so quickly!!!! i did only get up at 4 last night but was in pain cuz i was so full up... think i was soo tired and slept thru!

08-03-12, 10:39
Thanks for the reply pearl very annoying this pee OCD thing isn't it, I keep thinking it's not anxiety and it's something else :( I'm still waking up 3 times a night ie 1, 4 and then I'll go at 8 when I get up, it's really affecting my sleep this anxiety, are you bad with your sleep? X

08-03-12, 10:44
terrible at night, my anxiety goes thru the roof at night and especially first thing in the morning... no rationalizing in my head first thing..... I wake at 12, 4 , half 6. Hate it cuz i used to go all night without going!! even when pregnant, never got up, id ust hold on and go sleep..... BUT since my HA has been severe this has happened, plus im frightened to hold it in, obviously thats due to blood traces on dipsticks, but i defo go so much more often, sometimes i feel like my bladder spasms, not often but i defo get it. Now im aware of the colour change and what it could mean bla bla bla..... im right noodle!!!! :)

08-03-12, 10:56
Lol your not a noodle ha ha
Health anxiety is horrible wish I was different sometimes, been toilet already 3 times in an hour then I'll prob be ok till this afternoon, a few people has said clear pee is also anxiety have you heard this? My bladder feels full constantly in a morning, but think that's when I'm at my worst I seem to go better as the day goes on, I'm sure the blood trace you have will be coming from your womens parts and not the pee one of my docs said they both pee pipe and womens part travel along side each other and can give false readings :) x

08-03-12, 11:04
no i havent heard that but ive heard your kidneys work extra hard when you are anxious... so maybe thats something to do with it....

My doctor said it will be from my womens bits, but i was like last time i did a sample i certainly wasnt bleeding or spotting, yet i still got a plus of blood :( but she insists.... it drives me mental...
My dipsticks arrived yesterday.... havent tested yet cuz im on my period :(

You really do sound like you have the bladder anxiety, when you are anxious your body rids its self of any unwanted stuff, ie. wee and poop, so then makes you need to wee, so the more your aware of it the more you will keep thinking about it..... i had it bad for about 2 months once, then forgot about it when i moved on to another anxiety symptom.... unfortuantely due to dipsticks im back here again but worse.... xxxx

08-03-12, 11:30
Thank :) just don't know how my bladder fills every 20 mins can adrenaline do this, it's very clear as well almost like water, seem worse today but I have had a coffee with it being de-caffe don't know Ichihara anything to do with it though lol throw them dip sticks away there just worry sticks and sometimes whatever you eat and drink can colour the strips and give wrong readings you'll be obsessed with them once you start xx

08-03-12, 11:36
yes adrenaline is a terrible thing for ha, we anxiety sufferers have it running all the time, so our bodies are going ten to the dozen all the time, adrenaline make all our bodies functions and hormones and chemicals go to pot!!! and long term like me it plays havoc...... i really gotta chill !!!

---------- Post added at 11:36 ---------- Previous post was at 11:35 ----------

and so do you!

08-03-12, 13:14
Have you found anything at all what makes you feel better and stop you thinking about illnesses wonder why it happens to us and not others x

08-03-12, 13:29
nope, sorry, im at my worst ive ever been, my doctor its at her wits end, she says ive hit rock bottom and she says i gotta take meds til my cbt starts in a few months ,i have declined the meds.
Actually the only thing that helps is a friend of mine, she talks and talks and talks... doesnt give me time to think. he he! xxxx

09-03-12, 01:23
I have the same thing happen to me sometimes. Sometimes it's after I drink a lot of liquid, but sometimes it seems to be nothing other than anxiety causing it. I'll find that I go to the bathroom, then literally sometimes within 10 minutes I have to go really bad again. And, a lot comes out, and it's also clear just like water. It happens again 10 minutes later. Usually calms down and goes back to normal (peeing every couple of hours) within an hour. I've asked my doc and had tests done, she's not concerned. It does seem to happen more when I'm anxious, but not always. Also if I have any alcohol, I'm bound to end up in the bathroom every 10 minutes!