View Full Version : dr google

08-03-12, 16:02
Isn't even qualified ... remember that :)

08-03-12, 16:28
so true......

08-03-12, 17:12
How true, and remember we will never get better, because were not sick.:) STAY POSITIVE

08-03-12, 17:16
He also contradicts himself a lot :)

08-03-12, 18:20
It's like my Dr said "if any of these sites were remotely accurate, i would be out of a job".

macc noodle
08-03-12, 19:08
Isn't even qualified ... remember that :)

Ahh sooooo true but how many times do I forget this ???????????????

08-03-12, 19:10
Dr Google needs to be sacked....full of shite!!!!! xx

macc noodle
08-03-12, 19:13
Actually what about those people who contribute to the cancer blogs that always seem to come out at the top of searches for just about any ailment - they list virtually every ache and pain it is possible for a human to suffer from (if indeed they even notice the "creaking knee" or "stiff neck") and then attribute these symptoms to their eventual cancer diagnoses.

Are they real or not???? Gives HA sufferers like me the willies I can tell you - reading those in the wee small hours when I am feeling pants is just not funny.

So maybe they need to be sent off to the same place as Dr Google.

08-03-12, 23:39
It was DR google who helped me (without knowing ) to find this safe heaven 14 months ago full of nice people with the CORRECT ADVICE / HELP .

It was the internet dr google that ended me in the mess i was 18 months ago .

Please remember guys the worsrt case senero will only ever be posted on the internet no one is ever going to post i had a sore throat for three weeks but it cleared up .
I wish i would have put my trust in my Dr at the time insted af searching my symtoms i will never ever ever do it again .

Do yourselfs a favour and just ask on here and at your Dr,s :yesyes:

Sorry for the rant

08-03-12, 23:48
SACK HIM! His is not the doctor but the devil at work!!!!!

Just Don't Do It....Simples.

08-03-12, 23:49
Actually what about those people who contribute to the cancer blogs that always seem to come out at the top of searches for just about any ailment - they list virtually every ache and pain it is possible for a human to suffer from (if indeed they even notice the "creaking knee" or "stiff neck") and then attribute these symptoms to their eventual cancer diagnoses.

Are they real or not???? Gives HA sufferers like me the willies I can tell you - reading those in the wee small hours when I am feeling pants is just not funny.

So maybe they need to be sent off to the same place as Dr Google.

Hi mate ...When i used to type in my problems (i was desparate and in agony ) but my Dr said for 3 months it was a virus and after many blood tests nothing else was found ... it wasn,t a virus in the end but Gerd causeing all my pain .
What i,m trying to say :D..even though the DR couldn,t find out what it was on the first few appointments the blood tests ruled out more serious stuff but the internet fuelled my anxiety ten fold and i ended up haveing a breakdown and on citralpram and valium .

Take care all and thanks for all your help and steer clear of dr google he is a proper arse hole .

macc noodle
08-03-12, 23:57

Hi - wise words - which I shall bear in mind tomorrow when I am lying on the bed having my abdomen scanned and experiencing the longest 20 minutes of my life (and I shall also try to bear it in mind as I count down the hours to the appointment at my GP surgery on Wednesday to get the results) - at least all my bloods were fine despite feeling rubbish and despite panicking massively that I have some dreadful disease which will reveal itself tomorrow and having stupidly trawled the internet for hours on end looking for the answer to.

I shall keep the faith and I shall never ever look up any symptom upon the internet - unless of course it is my faithful menopause web site which must surely be allowed??
