View Full Version : GP checking hands

08-03-12, 16:24
Hello, can anyone shed any light on why my GP nearly always checks my hands (both sides) during my appointments ? What symptoms/illnesses are they looking for ? I'm kinda thinking it might be to do with circulation (?) but it's never been mentioned. :huh:

08-03-12, 16:55
I have no idea?? Maybe he likes holding your hand??

08-03-12, 16:57
Somtimes it can be that they are checking thyroid problems as I had thyroid and they used to do that but not really sure.

Cathy xx

08-03-12, 17:01
Do you drink lots of alcohol at all?

08-03-12, 18:49
Maybe it's better not to know!!! If there was a problem, he'd tell you. Mine always does the finger nail-bending thing

11-03-12, 19:13
Hyperthyroidism can affect your hands/palms sometimes but other than that, no clue!

11-03-12, 19:25
Maybe you are anaemic as a check of the fingernails might tell? Usually they look under the eyelids as well. EJ.

12-03-12, 05:40
I wouldnt have a clue I would just ask them.

But my gp checked my blood pressure the other day and i thought it was very random and totally irrelevant to what I was there for lol.

13-03-12, 14:09
Interesting mix of answers, thanks. I have been tested for both thyroid and anemia issues, both negative. I was never a heavy drinker, 2 glasses of wine with meal over the weekend and have now cut out ALL alcohol due to increase in heart rate issues (my own choice).

As for my GP liking my hands, that has made me more anxious (I know you were joking but...). It really bugs me when I read articles where a breach in professionalism has taken place, and I have trust issues.

It's bad enough my GP thought I was anxious about him (I get "white coat syndrome" elevated heart rate), which is a valid point. I'm just anxious about feeling ill.

14-03-12, 20:31
I just started reading Dr Claire Weekes "Self help for your nerves" and she mentions as Cathycrumble did above, that they are checking for hyperthyroidism, which exhibit hot trembling hands.

Well when you suffer with "white coat syndrome" (anxiety of waiting for GP appointments etc) you often get the shakes especially in the hands, which he noted. The beta blockers have stopped the shakes.

So I guess that's one thing sorted.