View Full Version : Head HA again and would they know?

08-03-12, 20:12
Hi All

Having a bad HA evening tonight.

I have had head pressure, headaches, pressure when laying down and ice pick aches for the last 4-5 weeks. About 7 (lost count) Drs appts, and one trip to A and E with consultant examining me.

All the GPs I have seen (my surgery has about 10 GPs and I have seen 5 of them) have done various tests such as BP, eye exams, looked at back of eye many times, nerve tests, and the hospital A and E did a neurological observation test.

I am panicking incase they have missed something and I have a tumour. I chatted with my mum earlier today after my last GP appt and she said you and they would know if you had a tumour?!

I have posted about this before but having a HA moment.

08-03-12, 20:49
Somehow I don't think 5 GPs plus a consultant have missed something sinister. A headache is just one of the possible symptoms of a brain tumour, there are many, many others. Your brain controls every part of your body, other things would be going off. You have also had a neurological exam which was fine. Please stop worrying about this. Are you taking pain medication if so too many can cause a rebound headache. Drink lots of fluids, get plenty of sleep, cut down on caffiene in the afternoon and evening, put your mind to something else.

09-03-12, 02:55
I have read that doctors can tell a lot from just the neurological exam that they do in their office. back in 1996 I was convinced that I had a brain tumour and my doctor agreed to send me for a cat scan but she said that she could pretty much guarantee that i didn't have a tumour. she said that usually other things have started to happen before the headaches get really bad.

nevertheless, here I am again, worrying about a brain tumour. I thought i was through with all of this worry.

I have a docs appt next wed so no answers until then.

in the meantime this headache keeps raging on and ibuprofen does nothing to touch the pain.

does anyone know if tylenol works better for headaches than advil?
