View Full Version : sick of anxiety

08-03-12, 20:48
Hi Everyone,

I'm new to the forum, although have been reading for a few weeks now.

I'm female, 40 and totally fed up with anxiety!

I have suffered to some degree all my life but the worst has been the last ten years where HA has crippled my life at times.

Right now I'm suffering from really bad acid reflux and stomach ache....its constant and really getting me down now. In the past year my lovely Grandad died from lung cancer. Since then I havent felt well, usually tummy issues and my anxiety is sky high again. I was with him when he got diagnosed and held his hand as he passed away six months later. At the time I was the brave one who held it all together but since he died my anxiety has taken over my life again. My doctor is great and understanding and I finally agreed to try out amytripyline. I've been on it for two weeks now and havent really noticed much difference...my acid reflux is just as bad and I'm struggling not to descend into the HA pit at the moment.

I constantly have this nagging feeling that I will get some horrible disease and die quickly. Along side all this I've been seeing a counsellor who says I have low self esteem and self worth issues.

So I'm just wanting to say hello :-) and to ask if anyone can provide support esp. on the acid reflux side.

Thank you
Yogiblonde :-)

08-03-12, 20:49
Hi yogiblonde

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

08-03-12, 20:53
Hi yogiblonde im a newbie been here about a week and have had lovely support and advice and also made a couple of friends i keep in contact with regularly.... stress/anxiety plays havoc with the digestive system/stomach ect. Hope to catch up around the site.

08-03-12, 21:10
What did your gp give you the amitriptyline for? they dont tend to prescribe it for depression/anx anymore= its a really old anti depressant, i think now its used fo nerve damage /migranes / insomnia.
i was on it 9yrs, and been off it 7 months now... im not going to say much about it, as your new to it, and may work well for you...

08-03-12, 21:13

The doctor gave me the amitriptyline for the anxiety/depression. He seems to think if I can get some control over the anxiety/depression (calm my mind down a little) the acid reflux would calm down.

I've read its a old drug and not used that often these days.

Yogiblonde x

08-03-12, 21:16
Worth a try definately then.... it did help with my anxiety i recall when i first went on it.