View Full Version : A bit about my mental health issues

08-03-12, 22:32
Hiya all, Im Rachel new to all of this. I have been struggling with mental health problems' since I was say 13 I am now 22 and only now I feel like I'm learning how to deal / cope with aspects of my life personally and in general. I have just started (7 days) new medication called mirtazapine after being on a prozac for about 2years. I have been told I have PMDD (Premenstrual dysphoric disorder). My anxiety is tremendous and a week before my period at it's worst it affects my relationships and day to day life really badly. When I feel as like I can't cope I do the fight or flight thing!!! By that I mean I will lash out on the people closest to me or run away for weeks at a time and go on a massive binge drinking episodes not getting in touch with my family. It's a bloody nightmare for me and most of all my partner. Of whom without I can honestly say I don't think I would be facing up to my mental health problems, well doubt I would even be here today!!! Sorry I'm going on now.......
Well that's just a bit about me, I hope this site will help me understand more about myself and get to chat to people in the same kinda situation as me. xx

08-03-12, 22:34
Hi rachel1010

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

09-03-12, 00:21
Hi and :welcome:to NMP ..glad you found us ..Im sure you will find a lot of help and support here .t/C sue

20-03-12, 17:53
Hi thanks for the fab welcome. Im finding the site really helpful just from reading other people experiences, my new medication mitziapine is helping my sleep 10 fold. So things are going well at the moment.
Rachel :)

20-03-12, 21:00
Hi Rachel and a big, warm :welcome: to NMP

Pip xx

22-03-12, 21:13
Thanks Pip x