View Full Version : Panic attack or side effect?

miss sleepy
08-03-12, 22:37
At the risk of posting every time I'm not sure if something but I need to ask about this one. Tonight I was at circuit training, which is pretty hardcore exercise. At one point my chest became tight and I couldn't catch my breath. I had to stop for a minute as I also felt dizzy.managed to carry on a few minutes later but it happened again on the next circuit.
This has also happened to me a couple of times on the tiring machine in the past couple of weeks. Each time I had to stop and feel fine a few min layer. Id this a panic attack? It doesn't feel like any anxiety I've had before or could it be the drugs?

08-03-12, 22:42
Well it isn't a panic attack that is for sure.

Had you eaten properly before exercising as that can cause dizziness if you hadn't? Did you have plenty of water?

When you say could it be the drugs can you explain what drugs etc.

08-03-12, 23:16
Deff Not Panic attack.
Sounds like sugar drop, lack of food beforehand, or maybe just pushing yourself to your limits, and huge adrenelin rush.

08-03-12, 23:27
People that suffer panic attacks often confuse good adrenaline for an attack... exercise gets your heart beating faster... you just need to recognise its not a panic attack...