View Full Version : 9 weeks into cbt. Feel like crying with worry

08-03-12, 23:05
For tomorrow I've been set a target to sit in coffee republic on my own till my anxiety comes down to at least half way. I'm walking there with my dad, then I'm going to sit in there on my own for a while and wait for the anxiety to go, then my dads meeting me when I ring him.

Absolutely petrified about being on my own, I've got stupid thoughts running through my mind, like what if my dad doesn't hear his phone, what if coffee republic tell me to go and even stupid ideas like what should I do if the door doesn't open...

I hate these thoughts, but I know I've got to do this to prove my mind wrong, but just need a bit of support. Really worrying here & can't sleep

08-03-12, 23:09
Youll be fine... just remember your not in any danger.... if your worried your dad wont hear his phone, just get him to come back at a specific time....
If you feel anxiety rising, just remember NOT TO PANIC.... you cant stop an attack, where your heart starts racing etc, but you can choose not to panic.... just say to the symptons 'im not scared, im not bothered, do what you want to me, i dont care'..
Without fuel (adrenaline)you cant panic...it will just die off.....

08-03-12, 23:12
Hi Hun,
Come on you can do this be brave.

Just keep telling yourself "I can do this", you can you know. Logically you know The door will open, your dad will hear his phone, and "coffee Republic' will not kick you out...its more than their jobs worth, He! He!

Get some rest, think positive thoughts, Good luck and please let us know how you get on. YOU WILL DO THIS. and you will be chuffed with yourself.

08-03-12, 23:14
You can do it, just do it without thinking too much about it before hand.