View Full Version : Dont know what's going on

26-06-06, 09:21
I have been worrying for a while about this thinking that i am going mad and have become obessed thinking i have a brain tumour. I was scared to go to the doctor incase i have but have finally got the courage up to go to the doctor today.I read people stories in magazines and on the web about brain tumours and convince my self i have those symptoms.This starts me off panicking and wanting to cry my head gets all foggy and my vision goes wierd i feel real shakey too and its getting harder to calm myself down. I cant seem to stop thinking about and relate every tiny little symptom to it like if i forget something i think i am losing my mind. I am not sleeping much now and feel like day to day life is one big dream. I think if i tell the the doctor how i am feeling he will think its all in my head and if there is something wrong with me will over look it. i just dont know how to cope with it all. D other people feel like this ?

26-06-06, 09:51
Hi and welcome to NMP. I am sure this is anxiety and not a brain tumour.
It's a great idea to go to the Dr's so that you can have your mind put at rest.
Good luck at the Drs...
Let us know how you get on:D

Take care



26-06-06, 10:14
Hi Melissa
Sounds like anxiety to me too but Chuckle is right, you need to speak to your GP so that s/he can reassure you and help you with the anxiety you are feeling. If you read posts ion here you'll find lots of people believe they have a brain tumour because of anxiety symptoms.
Hope you feel better soon

Take care

'This too will pass'

emma chant
26-06-06, 17:34
It sounds like you've got anxiety like the rest have said.
Go to the docs and get reasured ok.

e chant

26-06-06, 21:04
Hello Melissa, why are you auto-tourtering yourself. Get yourself to see the doctor so he can tell you onec and for all that you dont have a brain tumor so youŽll stop suffering. And even if you did, the sooner you know the sooner you can do something about it. But iŽm sure you dont have anything. Best. wishes.

26-06-06, 21:18
Thanks all for the replies i went to the doctor today and he thinks it is panic attacks.He also said i had very high blood pressure for my age so has given me some pills for that and some sleeping tablets so i can get a better sleep

26-06-06, 21:42
hi Melissa, I am glad you made it to the Drs and that he put your mind at ease:D
Hope the pills work soon for you

Take care



26-06-06, 22:46
hi melissa welcome to the forum i,m sureyou will feel reassured here and know that your experiences are the same as many of us on here.since i have had anxiety i too have been thinking its something alot more serious than just anxiety and have been doctors many times!hope you feel better soon take care rachel x x x

26-06-06, 23:13
hi melissa,

i too suffer from health anxiety and have done for two years at first i thought iwas going mad or insane and too a point i still do ,but now i know how to manage it, it is hard but in time you will stop going to the doctor all the time looking for reasurrance as in your mind you will know that it is just anxiety, believe me i have had more therapists than an american and i spent most days at the doctors

take care

ruthx x x