View Full Version : do you ever wonder?

09-03-12, 08:02
Do you ever wonder who would miss you when you're gone. Like how big of an impact you made on ppls lives? I think about it alot when im alone, really no one would miss me that much. Sure ppl would be upset for a day but really ive not mafe that big of an impact on anyone for it to really matter. Ive left a few random notes around to make sure ppl know how I feel about them and its not a cry for help, but sometimed I think why live in a life that means nothing to anyone but yourself. Whats the point.

---------- Post added 09-03-12 at 00:02 ---------- Previous post was 08-03-12 at 23:54 ----------

Im so tired of living in fear of what can kill me and make me sick. I just want peace. I want to not worry about every little ache and pain, and burden ppl with my worries. Im tired of this stress. I want ppl around me to be happy. I want to feel happy.