View Full Version : Chest worry

09-03-12, 09:02
I've had a cold for 5 days now which lead to yellow phlegm that cleared up.
Last night whilst laid in bed I got all panicky I felt like i couldnt breathe properly but then it went away.
I had made up my mind something bad is wrong with my chest even tho it sounds fine anxiety got the best of me :(

Now I keep having panic attacks and my breathing is out of place.
I cannot see a doc till after the weekend and I feel I'm gonna be worried I have phenomena or something all weekend :(

I have a sore throat still but apart from the breathing no other problems
Someone please tell me I'm being silly here. X

09-03-12, 10:36
Hi if you felt panicky then thats more than likely why you felt like like you couldnt breath properly i get it when im panicky its horrible and scary but thats all it was anxiety getting the better of you just relax and breath from your stomach slowly that usually helps me but i really doubt its anything else so dont worry just a horrible anxiety symptom x

09-03-12, 10:37
i get the breathing thing at night, i have to force my self to take deep slow breathes cuz i feel like ive forgotten how to breathe..... all anxiety!!! xxxx

09-03-12, 10:42
its horrible isnt it id have any other symptom than that i can have it most the day sometimes but it cant harm you x