View Full Version : Mental Mandy

26-06-06, 11:24
Hi Guys,

Just been to doctors as I aint been feeling too good since Saturday. Bad lower back pain, nausea and side pain. Thought I might a had food posioning(im great at self diagnosis). Been not well for couple of weeks but tried not to let it get me down and I blamed it on my health anxiety but the last couple of days the pains been unbearable so I got an emergency appointment at docs this morning. Doctor took urine sample and tested it while I was sitting. I watched his face to see his expression and knew by the look on his face there was something not right. He said theres blood in my urine and he needs to send it away to the lab. He also asked about my mental health and I told him he'd just made it 10 times worse. [Duh!]. He said results will be back in a couple of days and I'll just have to be patient and wait. I was so gonna punch him. So now Ive got rare(oh no not the normal kind) kidney cancer a touch of bowel cancer and my doctor once again thinks Im an idiot. I hate waiting for results. Phew I feel glad now getting that off my chest lol.



26-06-06, 11:51
hi mandy i too have for the last few days had bad lower back and side pain which ive been thinking is my kidneys, got appointment with doctors later today...not only this though i have thrush (down there)..sorry! and yesterday had some bleeding so im worried too self diagnosing all different cancers.........i will let you know how i get on!!!
you probably have some kind of infection im sure you will be fine and you are not on your own

26-06-06, 18:04
hi there mand and when,you have a kidney infection by the sound of it,really your dr could have given you a covering anti biotic!I had this years ago and got the emergancy dr out inthe end,sure enough,a nasty kidney infection!Drink loads of water both of you,caneston is good 4 thrush as is live yoghurt![but not strawberry flavour ha ha ha]Hey last week i had a swelling on my spine,really no hog wash!!!I of course assumes cancer,wellit has gone now,i reckon i hurt my back and it was just healing fluid,still dying tho!!Grt well soon ,love mary-rose.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore

26-06-06, 18:08
Does sound like a kidney infection.
Careful the anti biotics dont leave you with thrush! I always get that with antibiotics.
Not being funny but my poor cat had a kidney infection a couple of years ago & she kept having accidents on the bathroom floor bless her and that was extremely red!
Caz xxxxx

Pete to win Big Brother! He is Daddy Fantastic with pants made of elastic!

Two heads
26-06-06, 19:26
Hi mad mandy!
It def sounds like a infection hun so dont think its something terrible because it isnt sweet.Just drink loads of water and try to flush it out a bit.xxxxxxxx

polly daydream
26-06-06, 19:35
Hi Mandy, it could be a bladder infection, if so cranberry juice is supposed to be good.

Best wishes,


26-06-06, 20:17

I'm by no means an expert here, but I work (part time) as a medical secretary for health screens, and people are often found to have blood in urine.

Sometimes it is something as simple as their period being due. Other times it is due to a kidney infection which is then treated with antibiotics.

My daughter had a urine infection some years ago and my GP said that they do not prescribe antibiotics any more until they know exactly what it is (what strain of bacteria or whatever). so that could be why they haven't given you anything yet.

Usually you don't have to wait long, and they will give you a call to come in and have a chat, and collect a prescription.

As everyone else says, loads of water and cranberry juice can help.

Hope you are feeling fine very soon!


27-06-06, 16:05
hi mandy

your so funny!

i had blood in my urine a few months ago and it ended up being a kidney infection

try to not worry ( not our specialist area i admit)

if you ever need a coffee give me a shout


27-06-06, 16:49
Bloody doctors, so good at the reasurance aren't they!
Hope you feel better soon, stop self diagonsing, sounds like a run of the mill infection xxx

Hay x

27-06-06, 17:34
It does sound like a urine infection. Don't worry too much. Hope you feel better soon

Take care

'This too will pass'

27-06-06, 17:46

I have had this too in the past, I got six tablets once which cleared it, but it did come back again.

I was also told by the doctor that it was a Urine Infection and told to drink lots of Cranberry Juice to flush it out.

Hope you feel well again soon.


27-06-06, 17:57
Hi Guys,

Thanks so much for all the replies your all wonderful. Just thought Id let you now this is going to make you laugh. The hospital have lost my urine sample!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!When the doctor told me they couldnt find it I thought he was taking the piss as he used to go to school with my hubby. So doctor gave a some anti-sickness pills which Ive taken but I think im go to the shop and guy some smarties as they might do a better job. Mental Mandy hey thats me.


27-06-06, 17:59

When we are anxious we get run down and are more likely to get the odd infection or two. I have had lots of urine tests which have been positive for blood over the past year - all due to bladder or mild kidney infections.

The first (and worst) saw me off to A&E, where the doc gave me a pot and asked me to do a sample, which I did. When I handed it back to him, it was apparent there was no need to test it - it was bright red!

But I'm still here, nothing bad happened and I am having less problems in that area now, mainly I think due to my anxiety getting better. I do completely sympathise though - urinary tract infections make you feel lousy but the antibiotics will work quickly (once they've identified the right type, hence the lab test).

One last tip - avoid intercourse until you're sorted ;)

Eeb x

27-06-06, 20:15
Hi Mandy.

Aw babe you are not mental! Can't believe they lost your urine sample, thats disgraceful they should be more careful. Hope you are feeling a little bit better now though mate. And try not to worry. Chat to you later.

x x

marie ross
27-06-06, 23:00
Hi Mandy,

You're taking the p***, oh sorry they have done!!!!!

Hope you're feeling better soon, don't eat the blue ones, they are lethal!!!

Take care of yourself, and don't worry you'll be fine.

Marie XXX