View Full Version : fear of blood pressure

09-03-12, 11:17
I am trying to get help as I really need to stop this worrrying about blood pressure it has just made my life a misery the last 18 months. I do take one tablet for it. And my last reading was fine. But I just cant stop worrying and I dont know how to stop.

What can I do to help myself.

I hate having it taken or even thinking about it. And there are so many people who have blood pressure and they seem to accept and live with it. I just dont understand it. I have been through a lot the last 2 years. so it could be just my nerves where already sensitised.

Cathy xx

09-03-12, 11:28
Don't forget that your anxiety in itself could be the cause of your blood pressure being up in the first place. If it was normal las time it was taken then you really really have nothing to worry about.

09-03-12, 11:30
Thanks Countrygirl I know I am being stupid I just dont understand myself.

Cathy xx