View Full Version : feeling like im choking on something

09-03-12, 12:59
i have been suffering from anxiety, and i just wanted to know if anyone had the feeling that they are choking, it happens every few days and sometimes, phlegm comes up, its very scary, could it be anxiety?

09-03-12, 14:30
Currently I have a "frog in my throat" feeling which can feel worse some times than others. It feels like it moves in different areas of my throat and neck. I am going to ask the doc about this today as I have had it for weeks now.

When I am not thinking about it it goes away or subsides so logic tells me it's the anxiety that I feel and my neck tenses some how.

It's awful and frustrating and scary.

Try to listen to some music and keep your mind busy with work or home chores.

I'll let you know how I get on with the doc.