View Full Version : heart.

09-03-12, 13:20
hi everyone. does any one else suffer from fast and slow heart beat. i have it every day it can go 160bpm then go to 44bpm im so scared had loads ecgs bloods done they say it ok but how can it b if ur heart goes quick then slow im worried i goin do havea sudden death due to it all. x

09-03-12, 13:44
Hi Lisa,
I regulary have a fast heart rate i have been to A+E before where it was doin 198bpm, i am on a beta a blocker to help keep mine low, when i dont feel my heart beating i dont worry so i tend not to know how fast it is beating, everyday tho i have episodes off where my heart feels like its pounding hard in my chest or it goes very quick and i can feel palpitaions in my neck and chest, i also feel most days like its not beating and more like vibrating and feels like all my body is shaking the with the vibrating beat. This is what HA does am scared to do any exercise because i dont want to make my heart beat faster and put pressure on it :scared15:. Think every HA suffer who worrys about their heart has silly thoughts of sudden death, try not to worry about it too much tho as i have been told that a heart can beat at over 200bpm for weeks and not cause no damage and athletes can tend to have a resting heart of 40bpm and is normal.
Have you been to a cardiologist? I wouldnt worry too much if i was you tho really does sound like a classic anxiety sympton.
Rob x