View Full Version : Heart Failure worry

09-03-12, 16:07
Really getting into a state now. Have been ill with flu which I think has triggered my health anxiety into out of control mode.

I am now convinced I have heart failure. I have lost my fitness since my anxiety started a few years ago, as I find when its bad I feel confined to the house. I have tried doing some general moderate activity on and off and am on feet a lot at home busy. Anyhow after I have walked up a few flights of stairs and uphill my heart pounds and races and that is really freaking me out. I know being unfit will be a major contributor but I am terrified. I am back to being on google all the time and am really freaking myself out.

Does anyone else panic when this happens and could I have heart failure.

I am also overweight.



09-03-12, 18:57
Hi Seren

I had flu before Christmas and was very poorly with chest infection and pleurisy - 3 courses of antibiotics resolved these. I felt wiped out for around 5 weeks so Im sure your "loss of fitness" is normal after the flu. Yes my heart was thumping by the time I reached the top floor in our 3 story house! Luckily I was not also plagued with anxiety at that time.

I totally understand that you feel panicky about how you are feeling; I would have too if my HA had been in full flow at the time.

I dont think you have heart failure but I am sure a quick visit to your doctor would reassure you.

Very best wishes