View Full Version : Not sure if its all in my head..?

10-03-12, 02:06
Hi I found this forum when searching for answers to what I have been feeling. I'm a sixteen year old female and have suffered from headaches all my life. I have always been a good student (80-90 average) but in the last year my grades have been gradually slipping and I am now suddenly I am failing all of my courses. I don't do drugs and rarely drink alcohol. There has been very little change in my social life in general. For the past few months I have had severe back pain when sitting in class. My headaches have been increasing and I feel a pressure in my head and ears that makes me think I have an ear infection. I have been urinating more frequently and feeling dizzy at random time throughout the day. I have trouble concentrating in class and have been finding it more and more difficult to do any type of math. I haven't finished a single test this year despite studying and I think my sense if time has been a little off. I feel like my sight has been weird but I can't really explain why. I have been very moody and I think my personality has been different but I have not heard so from anyone else. I feel disconnected from the rest of my body in a way I can't explain and I have had random muscle pain. I have never bad a regular menstrual cycle so I don't know if it is related to tha. I googled my symptoms which in hindsight was probably a bad idea. I don't know if its all in my head to try and explain my horrible grades as not that much in my life has changed. I'm also concerned that I may have heard voices on a few occasions and I've been very paranoid and keep thinking I see things that aren't there. I don't know what to think. I feel as though I am making this up but I just don't know. I'm scared and anxious and becoming depressed and paranoid and I need answers please help.

rock chick
10-03-12, 03:46
Okay, first welcome. Second, please stay away from Dr Google for your own sake and finally have you discussed any of the symptoms with your doctor or told anyone you know? Quite a bit sounds like stress but it's really hard to tell but importantly I think you should mention at least some of this to a doctor, there's quite a bit to sort out, the physical and the other parts and I understand you're scared, I don't blame you.

Another thing to comes to mind is just being able to talk about how you're feeling, grades going badly in school, emotional issues, etc. in case you were bottling them up, that wont do you any good.

11-03-12, 10:25
Welcome to the forum. We can certainly help support you but we can't diagnose you unfortunately and we cannot give you the answers you are asking for. There could be many reasons why you're feeling this way, some of them easily treatable I should add, but you must please see a doctor or other health professional. It's quite a big step to take, but the sooner you do this the better. Only they can directly assess you and check you over, it would be wrong of us to suggest possible causes as that's unhelpful and like Google might only make you worry. So please, see a doctor and talk to them as you have done above. Let us know how you get on and good luck.