View Full Version : still got depersanalization

10-03-12, 07:13
ive had this now for 2 years it goes worse every day i feel im going mad walking about in a daze the dr says its anxiety all he has done is give me a leaphlet on anxiety can depersonilazation do this to you i feel like killing myself im sure im getting alzhimers or im going mad i look in the mirror and like im not therealso i have mood swings sick of all of this

10-03-12, 13:20
I have this too it's scary

11-03-12, 00:07
Hi elvin,
I also suffer from depersonalization and derealization and i can understand how you feel. I have had it for about 7 months and it definately feels maddening but it's not. What you have to do is learn to ignore it, it's because dp makes you really analytical and makes you focus inward on your symptoms, that's why it sticks around. The more you learn about it and learn it's a symptom of anxiety the less scary it feels, 1 thing though I wouldn't join the dpselfhelp forum if I was you, it is a depressing place and it will just put new ideas into your head to start obsessing over, like it did with me.The more you get involved with life and stop living inside your head being scared of feelings, then it will gradually fade away. I'am in no way trying to insult you there btw because I do exactly the same, but this is what i've been told. If you need someone to chat to about it you can pm me.

11-03-12, 02:41
Hi how are you doing found your post very Interesting as I also suffer with the above and I would really like to chat with you for advice and to listen to your experience of dp, are you online now

11-03-12, 06:57
hi i will be online later today at the moment i feel like im not really here this is horrible ive had this for over 2 years now keep your chin up talk later
