View Full Version : Tender stomache and abdomin

10-03-12, 13:57

Just after a bit of reassurance ally before I google!

For the last 24 hours i have had this really weird feeling in my stomache and upper abdominal region.

I should say that i am currently away travelling in Thailand and have been for the last 8 weeks (HA really should be the last thing on my mind, but alas... It's always there!)

Currently my stomache and above in my abdominal region feels almost swollen or bloated and is really quite tender to touch. I am neither constipated or have the runs nor do i feel sick. Without being gross, it kind of has that feeling of when you get fot the days after you have a stomache bug and been seriously vomiting.

My husband says it is just a change in the food, but that seems weird as we have been here for so long my body should be used to it right? And ive ruled out food poisoning as i would be being sick?

I know it sound silly... But i am really worried it could be someting worse?

Anyone have any ideas???


10-03-12, 14:52
Ive had that for the last week and a half but today is the first day of relief! I had a vomitting bug but a change of diet can be the reason too. I found peppermint tea really good and ibs capsules from a pharmacy really help. Anxiety does make you bloated and make your tummy hurt as I know!

10-03-12, 21:24
It sounds like something i suffer from at the moment and i constantly think about. My stomach just under my sternum feels tight, sore and uncomfortable. I think it is tension as without realising i tend to hold myself tense in that area and when i let go of the tension it is a relief and i feel better. I am trying not to think about it or tense it too much and it seems to be helping. Try some deep relaxation this seems to help. Please try not to worry and enjoy Thailand xxx.

10-03-12, 22:40
Honestly could be nothing, could be diet, could be a mild bug but it would be best to get it checked out especially as you are in THAILAND (been there done that).