View Full Version : hunger and tiredness makes my anxiety 100 times worse

10-03-12, 18:12
I have an issue where I was so anxious everyday and using up so much energy and adrenaline, and I would frequently experience low blood sugar, I would get shakey, my eyes go blurred, feel faint, hearts beating fast, and this was just fromgetting hungry or not eating for 3/4hours, my doc says its a normal rection to hunger and stress, but its so hard to deal with, I can't go out with out snacks and find it so hard at work when I get it. Does any one else experoence this? Oh I am a healthy 26 year old with no diabetes or anything. Thanks x

10-03-12, 18:21
Ye i also feel like i experience this, i even keep cereal bars in my draw at work and when i start to feel hungry i have one of them, that was recommended by my doc and she also said it is a common reaction to anxiety and strees. I also have jafa cakes when am at home dont know if its true but i have heard they are good for energy besides the fact i luv them anyways lol x

10-03-12, 18:25
SO does ur anxiety increase as well? I get like a big adrenaline rush and wana run! Lol

10-03-12, 18:28
OOO YE my anxiety increases lol, i suffer with HA anyways so any physical sympton i get i fear the worse and think i have some kind off illness! its complete madness lol!!

10-03-12, 18:31
Yea same lol I get dizzy n think I'm gonna die! Lol messed up, so stressful though thinking that ur about to die. How old r u? Male or female? X

10-03-12, 18:35
Am a 25yr old male, not got any medical conditions (part from anxiety) and should be fit and well, but my anxiety stops me from doing most things because i start to worry about my symptons too much, it really is crazy what it can do to us :wacko: lol