View Full Version : DVT or just aching calves?

10-03-12, 19:22

I've experienced this ache in one calf before (which I had a US scan for and it revealed nothing) but that was many weeks ago and this morning I've woken up with aching calves. Not just one, but both of them. Does this mean there's less chance of it being anything serious to worry about? I already went to the emergency doc relating to something else this morning and really don't want to go back again in a hurry because they're probably beginning to think I'm a hypochondriac.

Is it true that both aching calfs mean less chance of DVT? I haven't done anything remotely consisting of exercise other than walking.

10-03-12, 22:00
DVT usually has more symptoms than just aching, but aching legs is a definite sign of tiredness and/or anxiety. I'd see how it is by the middle of next week and then see you GP about it just to see what they suggest.

10-03-12, 22:21

I have had this in the past and realised it was down to how I hold myself especially in my sleep, When I was at my most anxious I would hold a lot of tension in my body and it would make my calves ache on and off for days. I also use to get a lot of cramp, possibly lack of dehydration.

Just a thought?

11-03-12, 14:17
Thanks. Will probably bring it up with my dr tomorrow. I don't notice any swelling tbh. There's no redness either and I figure DVT would be in just one leg and not both. Might be tiredness or lack of water/drink??

12-03-12, 19:38
Weirdly enough the pains got worse and is mostly in one leg now. It was in both but I feel it more in one and its hurting quite a bit now. :( No swelling or redness as far as I can tell. I went to my dr earlier and mentioned it briefly but he didn't seem bothered. My blood tests came back as low risk for clotting problems though so...

12-03-12, 21:38
I Maybe wrong but iis probably tension my calf really hurt for about 2 weeks but the less I focused on it and the more i just walked it off the less it hurt. Have you tried rubbing some deep heat into it? Just a thought.

Mr Brownstone
08-05-12, 20:22
I would have thought that having it in both calves would mean the chance of DVT is practically zero.

I made this post as I have the same thing, although I am hopeful that it was just the way I was sleeping last night. Im a bit too big for my bed and my legs were, at times anyway, hanging off the end. Im going to see how it goes over the next few days though

anx mum
08-05-12, 21:07
Ive had this hun last year mainly in my left calf i was so scared it was a dvt turned out to be scatica pain was coming from my back the pain was dreadful so i do know how u feel.

13-05-12, 20:51
Hi there!

Just wanted to try and reassure you. I have had DVT and this sounds like it's just muscle tension. When I had DVT it was through pregnancy, the main ways to get one is long haul flights, prolonged bed rest and pregnancy.
When I had one I had very little symptoms, just pain in my calf, which was worse when I walked. Usually it's likely that there will be a swelling, pain, redness to the area and the area feeling hot. I had mine 8 years ago, I have flown a few times since and it has never returned.
If you have had a scan and it found nothing and you have pain in both legs it's unlikely, but it may be worth speaking to your GP just for resurrance. In my local hospital a simple blood test can tell weather a clot is present.
I often get pain the same leg as I had DVT but it's usually after having cramp in that same leg or doing more exercise than usual.
I hope this helps and you feel better soon.

Kez xx