View Full Version : Rash that doesn't pass the glass test

10-03-12, 19:40
I have suffered with anxiety in the past and managed to successfully control it after CBT. However it takes a huge amount of strength for me to be able to control it and tonight is one of the times that I am not sure if I am being irrational.

I returned from a 5 day holiday yesterday in the canary islands, where I came down with a rash on my legs the day before we came home (Thursday). It is on my lower left leg and on my lower right leg and just above my knee too. (both at the front of my legs)
I put it down to prickly heat as it was a bit itchy and blotchy and seemed to fade under pressure.

As the evening wore on, the rash on my right thigh seemed to become more fierce and bright red. The rash looked more like a cluster of spots on my thigh. None of the spots are raised.

Upon arriving home I contacted a GP for a telephone consultation, who advised that it was most likely to be nothing to worry about because I do not feel unwell or hav a temperature. I explained that the rash was not reducing under the glass test and she seemed not to be worried. However, I am........

I can't find any pictures online for heat rash that resemble my rash and no-where can I find a reference to heat rash not disappearing under a glass test.

I'm starting to think this may be something sinister.......


10-03-12, 20:18

I can't really advise you but I just wanted you to know that I have read your post. I'm sure if your gp was worried they would ask to see you.

Keep us updated!

Sending best wishes x

10-03-12, 20:36
Your Dr needs to have a look at your rash ..Im sure its nothing serious but it may need some cream .If it was Meningitis you would have a fever and not be typing on the computer .Try not to worry ...t/c Sue

10-03-12, 20:46
thank you for your kind words. The GP I spoke to just recommended putting some cream on them - which I have done - and seen no improvement. She also recommended contacting my GP on Monday if there is no improvement, which seems a long time away.....

I'm quite reassured that its not meningitus, I'm thinking more along the dreaded C word lines.

I know google is fatal, but its the first place we look to for reassurance, but it never seems to do that.

Once again, thanks for your comments. Looks like I'm going to need an appointment with my own Gp on Monday to settle me.

11-03-12, 17:52
Try cool/cold water, if you have a shower over the bath sit on the side of the bath and use the shower to bathe your legs in the cold water (not too cold just as cold as is comfortable) do that for a few mins and see how they feel and put cream on after. It sounds like a heat rash which can take time to go away so try doing the cold water thing for a few days and see how it goes. Hope you feel better soon :)

11-03-12, 19:51
I get rashes like that when I get bug bites!

11-03-12, 22:17
Thank you for taking the time to pass on your advice. It seems to be fading on one patch on my thigh - so I'm going with the positive thinking that it can't be anything sinister. Otherwise it would not calm down on its own accord.

Thanks again