View Full Version : UTI ???

26-06-06, 16:38
hi there has anyone had a urine infection if so what does it feel like...i have had low back and side pain which is moving into my pelvic area now since friday....been to docs thinks i have a UTI...got to send a sample off for testing tomorrow...scared its gonna spread to my kidneys or something... also i feel like i need to wee a lot...
im so sick of this, how am i going to get better when things like this keep cropping up to worry me......:(

26-06-06, 16:48
It sounds like it.
I have had Cistitus, this week. it sounds very similar but i dont get the back pain!

If you are run down anyway with anxiety, you are bound to have a little bit of a low immune system, which will enable little things to crop up. If it is UTI, it can be cleared up with antibiotics. You will be fine, Try and keep your spirits up, it will take longer to recover if you have a negative attitude.

Try and think of it as just one of those things. Chin up matey x

Hay x

26-06-06, 16:51

Yes I have had those before and kidney infections too. Before you get on antibiotics which will clear it up, try drinking cranberry juice, it will help trust me. It will help with the pain and help with the infection. Good luck.


"Our thoughts are our reality"

26-06-06, 23:52

i had a water infection a coupleof months ago and the pain started in my side and then kept moving.

you will be fine, the doctor will just precribe some antibiotics to clear away the infection, keep drinking loads of water.

its really painfull but once you get the antibiotics in your system it will help.

take care
