View Full Version : Continued bowel issues

10-03-12, 20:32
Just want to talk about these issues as it's my major worry at the moment. I posted about getting constipation being a new symptom basically it took me two days to go but I felt I needed before that but nothing. Then I get worst days like today with loose stools and I've been about 6 or 7 times in small parts.

My main symptoms are: Loose stools and gas build up feeling I need alot but generally it's not much if I do. When I'm going alot at first I had a touch of agoraphobia but battled out of that and said well there's toilets. But I find by doing so when I'm busy and out I don't need after all until hours later.

Now at work I don't think I've had to use the toilet for a bowel movement for about a month or more as my time seems to be around bedtime I get one bowel movement but it can be alot of loose stool and I can be there half an hour. This still causes me anxiety.

When I get these symptoms I think of health issues, how it's making my life miserable, I feel about 60 and I'm only 23. One thing I have learned is to hold it in a bit better now without rushing off to the toilet. But I think every single day I have some IBS symptom yet people say there's no cures.

I mean I don't sleep great sometimes don't get to bed until 3am. Exercise I do walk alot so it's not like I do nothing. I don't drink much water and I'm not really into fruits. Also I don't believe in IBS meds. Part of me worries it's health issues but then there's alot of physiological things that affects the bowels.

But tell me why I can last at work not going or once in a day but a day like today basically I'm sitting online, watching tv but every hour I get this rush to go with loose stools..is it like a button that makes me go as I'm not being active? :shrug:

11-03-12, 00:21
No I just think it happens that and there isnt really a reason for it. Its a good thing you arent like that at work because then that is when your boss and other workers starting questioning you and getting annoyed at you, I know Ive been there and then you get upset because really it isnt your fault.

Anyway I have days like that too where I need to go so many times a day its not funny and then other days I only have to go once, the same with my bladder.

I wouldnt worry about it too much at this stage but if it does start happening at work then I would suggest seeing what you can do to help it with your gp or get them to write out a medical certificate to let your workers be more supportive.

But at home I wouldnt bother too much aye.

11-03-12, 00:49
No I just think it happens that and there isnt really a reason for it. Its a good thing you arent like that at work because then that is when your boss and other workers starting questioning you and getting annoyed at you, I know Ive been there and then you get upset because really it isnt your fault.

Anyway I have days like that too where I need to go so many times a day its not funny and then other days I only have to go once, the same with my bladder.

I wouldnt worry about it too much at this stage but if it does start happening at work then I would suggest seeing what you can do to help it with your gp or get them to write out a medical certificate to let your workers be more supportive.

But at home I wouldnt bother too much aye.

Well it use to affect me in a previous job but not like too much. When I work I get cramps/wind but that's all doesnt really mean I spend ages in the toilet. Could it be my mind is too busy on work?

I just wish I knew how to control it better. I often worry how I will do social things but some how last..when I'm out it's almost all the time just cramps.

My downfall is it's worse when I worry. :huh:

11-03-12, 09:25
I don't drink much water and I'm not really into fruits.

That's a bit of a smoking gun, a good diet is the foundation of good physical AND mental health. If you don't have at least "5 a day" this is something you need to look at. My bowel habits and motions have improved amazingly since changing my diet to include fruit and veg.

I'm sure you can find a couple of fruits you like, if not, there's tinned fruit or make some smoothies. You can throw a banana and some strawberries into a blender - with some water - and make a nice drink. I used to hate vegetables with a vengeance but now use a steamer to cook the ones I like - lovely. But even if I didn't like fruit and veg I'd still eat them after seeing how effective a good diet is for all manner of things.

Also look at any bad stuff in your diet and ask yourself whether you can cut down on those.

I think the jury is still out on how much water to drink, why not try and add an extra glass or two each day?

12-03-12, 05:27
I dont have a social life really because when I go out drinking I get bad indigestion and bladder soreness.

I really dont like drinking because of that but feel like I miss out on sooooo much.

I know how you feel and it really does suck and sorry I cant make things right but to only give you a hug (((hug)))

Me to there have been times i have turned up to work with a yucky tummy and a bit of diarrhoea and just mistaken it as a tummy bug as it usually lasts a day anyway, but I got it quite a bit.

I think IBS is one of those things that we are going to have deal with through life. If we over indulge then we suffer even more. As sucky as it is its just one of those things.

But like I said there are things we can try to decrease the pain and bowel problems. Its all just trying different medications out until the right one fits you.

Anyway all the best.

17-03-12, 13:43
I find that nervous things make it worse..strange as it sounds but griding the back of my teeth makes me need more or kneeling down it almost pushes muscles in my stomach and I need more..

I keep worrying seeing all the ads on tv makes me health anxious. I find when I get a bad bowel day the day after I get cramping feelings like I need more but that next day I get very little if any..is that normal?

And I have tried to add some fruit and improve my diet choice but it's quite hard. I read sometimes IBS just settles down..and many people accept it and it can go away almost but I'm at a stage still where I'm worried EVERY day..don't want loads of tests they terrify me only if I really need any.

I think I'll be anxious either way. Will I just one day stop worrying so it eases up? :weep:

18-03-12, 08:09
My theory is is that if the doctor has seen it and is positive that its alright and I mean a good doctor you know not just any doctor then its not worth worrying about.

Sometimes though the more you try to look after it such as eat and drink lots of fibre it can make the pain worse and that is when spasming starts happening, not saying that is the case for everyone but I do know it affects me. the thing is though is that bulk fibre is good for you its going to clean you out and make you healthy inside so it consideration I say that I would rather deal with a bit of pain just so I can get a good result and have my insides clean and healthy.

So i if you are having pain and its been checked and fine then I think its best to try not to worry about it so much as you know everything is fine. Plus there are also pain killers out there that can help relieve it more if it gets too bad.

Anyway all the best :)

18-03-12, 19:14
My theory is is that if the doctor has seen it and is positive that its alright and I mean a good doctor you know not just any doctor then its not worth worrying about.

Sometimes though the more you try to look after it such as eat and drink lots of fibre it can make the pain worse and that is when spasming starts happening, not saying that is the case for everyone but I do know it affects me. the thing is though is that bulk fibre is good for you its going to clean you out and make you healthy inside so it consideration I say that I would rather deal with a bit of pain just so I can get a good result and have my insides clean and healthy.

So i if you are having pain and its been checked and fine then I think its best to try not to worry about it so much as you know everything is fine. Plus there are also pain killers out there that can help relieve it more if it gets too bad.

Anyway all the best :)

Well it's not really pain to be honest..more discomfort and awkwardness. I know some people can get pain with IBS but rarely does it become painful but it's really discomforting all the wind feeling you have maybe "pooped" yourself.

Well I mean I've not had all tests was more a chat but I still worry. Do people with IBS always get the symptoms daily? It's hard for me to stop worrying due to anxiety.