View Full Version : amitriptyline withdrawal ?????

angel wings
10-03-12, 21:06

i Was wondering if anyone else has had any withdrawal problems with amitriptyline i have been on it for a few years now and after tappering down i stopped 10 days ago and have had chest pains both legs are really achey and head feels weird wasnt sure if it was my anxiety or withdrawal ?????

10-03-12, 21:08
sounds like withdrawal hun but it should pass soon, i had it when i stopped cit xx

angel wings
10-03-12, 21:14
yes i thought so too arrrghhh these side effects are so annoying... hoping they will pass too think it takes about 11 days to get out of your system just makes you feel down :mad: been so trying to ignore them !!!
hope you are ok after changing meds xx

10-03-12, 21:16
withdrawal can be nasty hun but it passes, im not too bad just ploddng on xx

angel wings
10-03-12, 21:22
thanks nicola tommorrows another day and hopefully a better one :) xx

10-03-12, 22:13
i was on ami for 9yrs, came off 7 months ago....first week off them i felt great, then it hit me, anxiety came back big style!
Doc always said when you stop you can be worse than you were before going on them, and back at square one...but i was determined to stay off them...cheap nasty drug....
i went to docs, and they said they are out of your system after few days...but after 9yrs on them, i said i didnt believe that! and surely will take time for my brain to sort itself out after 9yrs of controlled drug in there....
Its not been easy, but im glad to be off them, im finally awake again!! felt drugged all the time on them..... i have had bad anx, but meds only mask, they dont cure, so you have to deal with whatever you were like before taking them anyway....

angel wings
11-03-12, 11:25
yes i felt not too bad last week but it seems to have hit me this week have got loads left so could go back on them but im also on cit at the min and really wanted to stop the ami i have tryed to stop them before but couldnt sleep so went back on them but as you said i will probley go back to having the symptoms i had before starting them ...would so like to be drug free though going to try an ride it out...got blood tests and an ecg next week so am worring about that aswell need to keep myself busy i think !!!
thanks angel xx