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View Full Version : Worried about heart problems

10-03-12, 22:30
Yesterday morning I went to the doctors concerning fatigue that I've been experiencing over the past few years. She took my blood pressure and said my pulse was slightly high, and that she's going to book me in for a fasting blood test and ECG test in order to highlight any health problems. Also, she added that if my pulse exceeds 100 then I should go straight up to A&E where they will do an immediate ECG test to highlight any serious problems.

Around two hours after my appointment, I checked my blood pressure and pulse using my own blood pressure monitor, where my pulse was around 126. Upon this finding, I went straight up to my local hospital where they saw me immediately and done an ECG test. They plugged all those random sticky things on to me, and said my pulse was around 115-130. I received my ECG results and they said it was fine except my pulse was just high. Then, they gave me a blood test to check for anaemia and overactive thyroid disease, where each test came back negative. They sent me on my way, saying it could be anxiety and I went straight home.

Upon my journey home, I could again feel my heart racing, getting palpitations and mild chest pains. I though I'd leave it a few hours and see how I felt then. At about 2.30am I still had the same symptoms, so I was panicking, with shallow breathing, feeling light-headed and shaking all over.

At this point I contacted NHS direct, where I spoke to a helpful man who also said it could be caused by anxiety and forwarded me to this website, and another website with a few self-help guides which temporarily made me feel more assured and less panicky. Later on, an out of hours doctor contacted me, who I visited at about 4.30. He said my heart rate was around 100-110 (it was probably high because you know what doctors surgeries and hospitals can do to you!) he prescribed me with two 2mg diazepam/Valium tablets and told me to take one twice a day, which would hopefully calm me down.

A day later and I'm still feeling the same symptoms, and the valium hasn't seem to have done much to help. I keep on panicking as I think there's something wrong with my heart due to the palpitations and chest pains, which is probably making my symptoms worse as I'm anxious. Has anyone else had this for a few days non stop due to anxiety?! I'm having trouble sleeping because of it. I just want the symptoms to go do I can return back to normal.

Common symptoms are: palpitations, tight chest, some chest pain, shallow breathing, recognition of heart beat, tingling in fingers etc. I've been taking my pulse today which has been fairly normal, between 64 and 80.

If anyone has any advice then lease feel free to message or post on this thread. :)

10-03-12, 22:43
I have had this plenty of times before and it is just anxiety as you have had an ECG and all was normal try not to worry (easier said than done i know). My pulse races from time to time sometimes for days if i'm anxious and it always races when visiting the doctors, went just the other day and it was 128. All the symptoms you describe are all classic panic symptoms try not to think about them too much again easier said than done and try some relaxation exercises these will really help. hope you find some peace x

10-03-12, 22:46
I have had this plenty of times before and it is just anxiety as you have had an ECG and all was normal try not to worry (easier said than done i know). My pulse races from time to time sometimes for days if i'm anxious and it always races when visiting the doctors, went just the other day and it was 128. All the symptoms you describe are all classic panic symptoms try not to think about them too much again easier said than done and try some relaxation exercises these will really help. hope you find some peace x

Thank you. It's reassuring to hear that you also experience this. All I've felt for the past two days is my heart going and it's starting make me feel even worse as I just want to sleep!

10-03-12, 22:50
Im Not a professional but does sound like you are having panic attacks, classic symptoms are tightness in chest palpitations, dizzy, nausea, shallow breathing, tunnel vision, tingling and Total FEAR. Its horrible very scary and I too was up at A&E with this, feel so real.

But sounds like you have had lots of checks and advice from professionals and they all come to the same conclusion. If you are still concerned seek advice, see your GP maybe get some help. But it will pass, don't give into it and the less you focus on it the less sensations you will feel. It wont harm you. Hope this helps in some way.

10-03-12, 22:54
I know how you feel believe me the more you pay attention to it the more it will happen as you are releasing adrenaline which will make your heart race. The trick is to let it happen without paying too much attention to it, i know this is not easy but you will find it will disappear with less attention. I have even fallen asleep with a racing heart as long as you know there is nothing wrong you are ok your ECG was normal so i would use this as a positive and know anxiety cannot hurt you it's just uncomfortable and frightening. Hope this helps x

10-03-12, 22:58
Im Not a professional but does sound like you are having panic attacks, classic symptoms are tightness in chest palpitations, dizzy, nausea, shallow breathing, tunnel vision, tingling and Total FEAR. Its horrible very scary and I too was up at A&E with this, feel so real.

But sounds like you have had lots of checks and advice from professionals and they all come to the same conclusion. If you are still concerned seek advice, see your GP maybe get some help. But it will pass, don't give into it and the less you focus on it the less sensations you will feel. It wont harm you. Hope this helps in some way.!

Its so awful feeling like that isn't it! As I said above, its reassuring that others have felt the same. I'm going to my doctor on monday just to give her an update and see what she says about it. Its just horrible not being able to get rid of the symptoms and taking your mind off them :(

---------- Post added at 22:58 ---------- Previous post was at 22:55 ----------

My heart is at a normal pulse rate at the moment yet I can still feel the palpitations and stuff! Its horrible.

10-03-12, 23:06
Check out the symptoms on the left handside of the page you may find this useful. x

10-03-12, 23:17
I agree with shellybear, check the symtom list, they are all there. I find that heart aplpatations can be set off by diet etc, coffee, alchohol, sugar, cakes, chocolate, spicey food have you had any of that recently that can also cause palpatations?

10-03-12, 23:27
Nope I haven't had anything like that, I try and eat as healthy as possible. I think it could be the worry from having something wrong with my heart, even though my ECG came back fine. I just had a look on the links towards the side of the page, they were helpful :)

10-03-12, 23:30
Good for you, Try and get some rest and try no to worry so much, easy for me to say but try hun.

10-03-12, 23:31
Thank you so much :) will have another try even though the diazepan still haven't kicked in. Hope I feel better tomorrow!

11-03-12, 22:59
I slept well last night, didn't get up until about 12pm! But now I'm starting to worry again. Getting heart pains, sometimes they're not actually on my heart but around it or on my side. Feeling a bit light-headed too. I'm just scared that maybe they missed something on the ECG scan and that I actually have something wrong, and that my symptoms are not my worrying but some serious heart problem :( Deep breathing doesn't seem to help, and I have no more valium to help calm me down.

11-03-12, 23:12
Hi Jsp
Glad to hear you had a good nights sleep that would have helped i'm sure try to take this as a positive if there was anything seriously wrong it would not allow you to sleep peacefully. You should trust your doctors. I get the pains around the heart as well i have read they are harmless and are often referred to as the dagger i get it a lot but i find the pain no longer bothers me so it disappears quickly hope this helps try not to worry as this could be causing your light headedness. xxx

11-03-12, 23:13
Thank you so much, it is quite reassuring to be speaking to someone that understands :)

What type of pains did you used to get?

11-03-12, 23:15
i used to and still get sometimes like a dull stabbing pain tends to feel like it's in a circle if you know what i mean

11-03-12, 23:16
Yeah mines like a dull stab/ache pain and will only usually last a few seconds. Sometimes I feel twiches or something too. This is making me worry more than anything at the moment!

I feel a constant feeling, not pain but feeling, in my chest area too :( is this normal?

11-03-12, 23:21
What your describing is the dagger it is harmless and will not hurt you i have had it on and off for 12 years and i'm still here. Sounds like your chest is tight from tension it will go as you start to worry less try reading a book called self help for your nerves by Dr Claire Weekes this book is excellent for anxiety and how to deal with it, it has been like my bible for the last 12 years.

11-03-12, 23:26
Thank you. I'm googling the book now to see if I can read a free e-book at the moment. Will buy the book asap :)

11-03-12, 23:30
It's a very popular book amongst anxiety sufferers and it is a great help to me, hope you find it helps you you can get it on amazon take care xxx

11-03-12, 23:45
I've heard a lot about it on this forum! Hopefully it will help me too :) thank you so much!

11-03-12, 23:48
Your welcome stay positive take care xxx :D

11-03-12, 23:49
:D xx