View Full Version : Scared. Ghost?

11-03-12, 00:23
I'm a big none-believer of everything, I've always been a skeptic, whenever anybody talks about this stuff I am always the first person to question everything but I do not know how to explain what happened tonight and I am searching for a logical explanation and I can't come up with anything.
Myself and my friend were sat in my bedroom chatting, it was around 8pm so it was dark outside, nobody else was in the house (I know this for sure, I saw them go out, they did not come back until 2 hours after and I always know when people are coming in and out because my bedroom is directly above the front door and it vibrates my room and I hear it).
We heard loud footsteps coming up the stairs, I could hear the rustling of pants like when somebody is wearing baggy clothing and it's rubbing and it got louder as the footsteps got upstairs, my cat jumped up and clawed at the bedroom door to get out and into teh hall like she does when she hears somebody come in the house and she wants to go and get fussed and the rustling fastened and got louder as if they were getting closer, me and my friend looked at eachother and both mouthed "who's that?" to eachother. I then heard them go into the bathroom and shut the bathroom door. I stood up, looked out of the window, nobody was home there was no car, looked out into the hall, nobody was there but the bathroom door was closed the light was off though in the bathroom so if somebody was in there they wouldn't have been able to see anything.
We both got panicky, what if it's a burgler and they heard us so they hid in the bathroom, we sat in my room in silence for 20 minutes too scared to move and the noises didnt't happen, nobody came out of the bathroom.
We ran downstairs and opened the front door stood in the bottom hall for a while and looked up the stairs at the bathroom... still no sign of anybody or noise.
I plucked up the courage to check the bathroom and it was empty! as was every other room in the house and everything was securely locked, there was nobody anywhere.
My cat is being weird and meowing extra loud in the hall tonight and they're really long, rather than the usual meows when I see her which are little and cute they're kind of long and idk if it's my imaginaton but like something is not right.
Usually she is like MEOW but now she is like MEEEEOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW
Haha =S Just scared. My friend is gone now.
Idk what to come up with!

11-03-12, 00:29
Silly question, but could it have been next door? Sometimes I hear noises which I'm convinced are coming from inside but its actually the neighbours. Do you have any Friends or The Simpsons dvd's? I recommend getting into bed and putting something like that on :) It will take your mind off it and make you feel a bit less serious. I can understand you being freaked out though. There is usually a simple explanation for this kind of stuff but our mind's run wild dont they? Doesn't help that its at night, in the morning I'm sure you will feel so much better.

11-03-12, 00:33
Nope, the neighbours are on the other side D= and I've never heard them before.
There's just no explanation =S It was just nothing you could think "oh could have been the heating" or "creaky old house" about, it was just exactly like somebody climbing the stairs and going into the bathroom =/ So strange!
I have the Simpsons on already haha! It is helping a lot. I'm not that scared at the moment but I was with a friend and if I was alone idk what I'd do. It's not the first time I've thought something was in the hall... I don't usually believe in any of this stuff, I keep saying "maybe it was just your imagination" and then i remember my friend heard the same thing and my cat did. Weird.

11-03-12, 00:43
Glad you've got the Simpsons on, let Homer take away some worries tonight with his craziness :D You know what, sometimes weird things just happen and you cant explain them...it could be that the cat has been like this before you just havent noticed or not been in at the time? So it could be a coincidence that she is acting odd after this happened. Are you on your own in the house or are people home now too?

11-03-12, 00:46
People are home but I don't really talk to them. Simpsons is pretty much the cure to all my anxiety, well it helps A LOT =P
I know, some things just are. It could have been anything, I may never hear it again.
I think I'm more intrigued about it now than scared or anything haha. I would rather ghost than burgler though =P

11-03-12, 01:01
Yeah I think I'd be intrigued too, it does sound weird but that doesnt necessarily mean bad or scary, just unexplained.

Lol at you saying burger instead...just imagine a giant burger breaking in to use the toilet :roflmao: try not to worry tonight - just watch the Simpsons and you will drift off into a chilled out sleep and possibly dream about Homer eating giant burgers while cats are meowing at him :yahoo:

11-03-12, 22:19
Hi, well if it is a ghost, there are no reliable reports of a ghost ever harming a human so at least there's that. I have actually heard a few convincing ghost sightings where one was a bunch of monks walking in the mist, one was a sighting of the Stocksbridge monk, one was apparently trying to tell the person who saw it something.