View Full Version : Tension in neck - when will it leave

26-06-06, 17:14
I have quit my job and joined Winners and love it! I know would like to know when the tension leaves the neck and shoulders. I still have a little health anxiety but not as much. I also feel that I can't get anymore help because I know what I need to do to fix it and I am working on it constantly - mind over matter and how to break it down.
I sometimes wonder if I should be seeking a doctor or if I have something other than tension. I have been to 3 massage persons and a physio person. I was told that accupuncture would help. It is all money, money, money. Yet it is all as easy as swithcing mind frames. Funny how easy the solution is.

Please let me know if you have any simular tension,
Thank you,


26-06-06, 17:44
Hi tt, I agree, it is all money money money. I don't know what else to suggest other than what you have tried already. I hope it settles down soon for you:D

Take care



26-06-06, 18:10
When you no longer worry its anything serious tt, and not til then i expect, if your anything like me
Caz xxxxxxxxxx

Pete to win Big Brother! He is Daddy Fantastic with pants made of elastic!

26-06-06, 20:28
Yes I get tension too, mainly in my shoulders and chest.

I find relaxation, such as having a bath, having a nap or doing relaxation CD's helps.

Also relaxing my breathing and exercise, especially stretching exercises help.

Hope this helps.

Take Care,

Heather x

26-06-06, 20:40
Could you give yourself some massage on your neck and shoulders using some relaxation aromatherapy oils like lavendar. Also try some neck and shoulder exercises that release tension, shoulder rolls, head and neack rolls. they might help.

Take care

'This too will pass'

26-06-06, 20:54
Hi TT,

I can rerlate to severe neck and shoulder tension - have you tried pilates or yoga - this has helped to release alot of my built up tension.

Take care

What cannot be fitted into your day, cannot be done - forget about it!

26-06-06, 21:45
I have been having Indian Head Massages for my tense shoulders, and I go to yoga and Tai Chi. Sometimes I sit don't realise my shoulders are up round my ears until I try to relax them !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jenny xx

27-06-06, 03:20
Thank you everyone!

