View Full Version : Not sure where to post this, self esteem issues, not me, but my girlfriend.

11-03-12, 10:57
Hi Everyone,

I'm not sure if this is in the right section, but I need some advice.

My girlfriend has been showing some anxiety and depression symptoms. She has had a bit of a rough childhood, a rocky relationship with her mum, and was given (forced to have) a lot of responsibility as a child.

Her mum showed her almost no affection, thought it was funny to 'pick on her' about her weight when she was growing up, and in a nutshell was just a bad mum.

My girlfriend is 18 now, and has been attending CBT to try and resolve some issues and this has worked well so far. She has been able to finally speak to her mum and express how she feels and basically ask for change. And so far, so good.

However, she still has almost zero self confidence and self esteem. She was overweight as a child and then lost a fair bit, now she is a size 12/14 and beautiful. However she still thinks she is fat, grossly fat to be honest.

It seems that when she lost a lot of weight the bit that remained was her belly, it overhangs a bit and to her it's a constant reminder of how she used to be and there are times where she gets so agitated that she is literally squeezing it as hard as she can and digging her nails into it as she is so frustrated with it.

Her sex drive has now become nil. At the beginning of our relationship it was good but now non existant. She has said it is because she feels so ugly and hates her body.

I'm happy to wait and try to help her, but I don't think I can do enough. I tell her that she is beautiful to me, I tell her she is perfect even but I'm guessing she is just thinking "well you have to say that" kind of thing.

I really don't know what to do. It just seems like she will never change the way she feels about herself.

I've probably left loads out so feel free to ask anything, but does anyone have any advice on what I can do to help her? I hate seeing her like this.

Her counsellor has extended her sessions now to try and deal with her self esteem so at the moment all our hopes are pinned on that.

11-03-12, 11:26
it sounds like your doing a good job with her being there for her being patient giving her compliments thats all you can do really its your girlfriend that has to help herself unfortunatly hopefully the extended councilling sessions will help her but just keep doing what your doing and be there for her

11-03-12, 14:23
I agree it sounds like u are doing a good job. Just be there for her and try to be as understanding as u can! The therapist should be able to help with some self esteem issues. I find what helps me sometimes is to write down things I like. For example 'I like the colour purple' 'I like to sit in the sun'. This sometimes helps me with my confidence because I remind myself I am a person and I have likes and dislikes. I don't know if that would work for ur girlfriend.

Also obviously she knows u love her, so compliment her about her personality too. And generally just support her with her therapy. The are also self help books on amazon for things like this so maye look at reading some of those.

Hope this helps x

11-03-12, 16:52
Maybe she needs to do something herself to boost her self esteem. ALways seeing on that programme with Gok Wan how he transforms people will very low self esteem to people who love the way they look. There must be stuff she could do that may make her feel differently about herself. Because sometimes just telling a person they look great does not work they need to realise that they look great by themselves.

11-03-12, 18:18
Awe how lovely that you are here seeking help for her.. she is lucky to have your support, just keep doing what you are doing.. Im not sure Gok Wan is the answer LOL (I know thats not exactly what theharvestmouse meant).. If you suggested something like that, it gives the impression that you also think she needs to change her appearance and could have an adverse affect. And I bet most of the females here have issues with their bodies, Im a size 8 and would love a few extra pounds.. I know her issues run deeper than that and with councelling and discussions with her mum, she is heading in the right direction.
Good luck to you and your girlfriend.

11-03-12, 18:23
Your doing all you can it seems... she could try and exercise and tone up... exercise makes your mood lift as well as the benefits of the actual exercise.... self esteem is something only she can work on.... she needs to learn to accept compliaments, and learn to accept that what you are saying may actually be true (ie shes beautiful etc)..councelling is good start...