View Full Version : hi guys im new ish, joined yesterday

11-03-12, 12:05
i have had an awful night and an even worse morning.....just anxiety continually. im shaking as a i type. ive got it into my head that im going to have a breakdown.im not am i?
when i have had these episodes before ive been fixated on something thats made me worse...and now im trying not too but its such an awful feeling.i can feel my mind wandering trying to find something to get fixed on and be scared of, if that makes sense?. ive known people who have lost it completely though i dont know why as they werent personal friends , but just knowing about them is making me worry that ill end up the same. i wont will i?
i guess im fixated on that now!!!
Ive been off my citalopram for 8 months but yesterday re-started them as i feel so bad.. how long will they take to work? Im getting those awful waves of worry/panic and anxiety washing over me... arent they horrible?
i feel sick , i cant eat , im not going to have a break down am i? xxxxxx

11-03-12, 16:59
Now im more scared as no one has replied , like they know something that i dont..:unsure: please help me folks xxxxxx

11-03-12, 17:06
Panic is really scary, but you are going to be fine, try and calm down Hun.

People will reply to you, its not a conspiracy.

I do not take meds so have no idea how long they take to work. Try not to focus on the panic. Drink some tea, watch a film...distract yourself.

11-03-12, 17:08
You have to try to do something to calm yourself down like carefree68 said.

11-03-12, 17:13
Hiyer tis-me,

No, nobody knows anything you don't, honestly, :D I think people have just missed your post on a quiet Sunday afternoon, nothing more sinister than that. Anyhows, I'm here now to reply.......I'm afraid I don't know anything about the medication you are taking, or how long it takes to start having an effect. As you've taken if before I presume it is effective for you, can you recall how long it took before working ?

I'm so sorry that you are suffering in the most awful active phase of anxiety, that part where it never leaves you and you are awash with fear and adrenaline. It feels like it is taking over your very being doesn't it, as if your life has become one long terrifying ordeal. Sorry, that all sounded rather depressing, however, what I was leading to say was - NO, there will be no 'going crazy', no 'big breakdown' or any other horrible scenario you can come up with. Anxiety is anxiety, period, and as you've unfortunately been here before you need to remind yourself that it WILL pass and you can recover. Spend some time reading all the information down the left hand side of this page, that should reassure you that you are not alone in your current feelings.

Keep posting and we will do our best to support you.:yesyes:

11-03-12, 17:44
hi carys thankyou so very very very much!!
youre reply has helped me so much, as have the other kind peoples replies.

Im still upsetting myself though...arent i a silly billy?
Ive heard some women can have breakdowns because of the menopause, and that is frightening me now...Though im not confirmed menopausal i am 51!
Im so sorry got going on but i hate this feeling and fears that i keep coming up with!!!

11-03-12, 17:47
there are many helplines you could ring and speak to someone for reassurance
Anxiety Uk
No Panic(different than this one)
Or NHS direct are really good 08454647
Its better to speak to someone rather than sitting there in panic


11-03-12, 18:03
Thankyou for those numbers, tho i darent call any of them . im hoping with the help from this forum, that i wont need too :) xx

11-03-12, 18:22
Why darent you they are really helpful and nice and many have suffered themselves


11-03-12, 18:24
ill try to reassure myself with the help from here...Im scared of sounding silly. xx

11-03-12, 18:32
they wont make you feel silly


12-03-12, 07:52
I know exactly how you feel because I have been the same and I can actually think myself into a panic attack and fear I'm going to lose control and go completely to pieces but it never happened. It is the most awful feeling though and terrible thoughts intrude your mind.
It is hard to snap out of it but you really must try and focus your mind on more positive things and happier thoughts. Anything to stop this spiral of panic. The more you try and think happy thoughts the less the panics will affect you.

I was on Citalopram for a while. they do take about 10 days or so to kick in but once they do you will feel much better.

I came off them after about 6 months. I still get mild attacks of panic but I'm now trying to control them by more positive thinking..holidays, lying on a beach..good days out..etc if I feel my thoughts are getting panicky. I know that if you are otherwise occupied the panic gradually disappears. It is US that feed them but there is usually a reason for that. Maybe some past trauma. (For me I think i have always been a bit nervy though due to my childhood and my parents rows). I got worse with my panics when my son committed suicide nearly 6 yrs ago. I carry so much guilt over that but I'm determined to fight the panics

14-03-12, 12:24
There's nothing like that feeling of being alone and not being able to help yourself is there.
Best thing I find to try and calm down, is to come on the forum, live chat (help) on here and try and think about something else. Hard I know.
I normally take a diazepan to try to start the ball rolling of recovery, and I swear by Gaviscon for an upset stomach etc.
As soon as you start looking or talking about something else other than the symptoms, it does seem to ease a little.
My thoughts are with you.